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tv   Today  NBC  August 22, 2014 7:00am-11:01am PDT

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can't see the mascara running down my face. >> smart. >> coconut water used in ice bucket challenges, we'll be back with more. good morning. chilling words. good morning. chilling words. news that isis militants sent the family of james foley a threatening e-mail just days before his murder while the white house now says that group is more dangerous than al qaeda. we'll talk with foley's parents in an exclusive interview. medical miracle. the two americans treated for the ebola virus now out of the hospital and back with loved ones. so what was the life and death battle like and how are they doing now? nancy writebol's sons are here exclusively. walking tall. >> walking. >> the latest chapter in the recovery of amy van dyken-rouen taking her first steps just
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months after being paralyzed in a tragic accident. and phenom. he has four grammy nominations, can play 31 instruments, and is only 22 years old. hunter hayes brings a little country to the plaza today. friday, august 22nd, 2014. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm matt lauer alongside tamron hall who's in while savannah continues on maternity leave. we've got al roker and peter alexander as well. this young man will perform on the plaza in the 8:30 half hour is remarkable. >> and adorable. >> can play 31 instruments. >> i know. >> anyway, we've got a great concert coming up in our 8:30 half hour.
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but we start with more on the fallout. this terrible story, the brutal murder of american journalist james foley. the pentagon now labeling isis an imminent threat that goes beyond anything they have seen. we'll talk to james foley's parents exclusively in a moment. but first nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel is along the syrian border in turkey. richard, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. pope francis called james foley's parents to offer comfort and support. the vatican said they were deeply moved by the gesture. it came as u.s. defense officials say the american policy currently of attacking isis in iraq isn't enough to stop the group. the u.s. is now at war with isis. with daily air strikes. but so far the air campaign is only targeting isis in iraq. isis doesn't operate only in iraq.
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it spans the border into syria. the president's defense team said attacking only a part of isis is having a limited impact. >> can they be defeated without addressing that part of the organization which resides in syria? the answer is no. >> reporter: defense secretary hagel had strong warnings about this uniquely brutal group. >> this is beyond anything that we've seen. so we must prepare for everything. and the only way you do that is take a cold steely hard look at it and get ready. >> reporter: the defense officials did not say washington is prepared to extend air strikes into syria. only that they're looking at all options. isis controls large parts of iraq and syria and still holds around 20 foreign hostages. french journalist nicolas henin released in april shared a cell with some of them including reporter james foley. he said foley was singled out for abuse because he was
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american. >> james foley was probably my best cell mate during our months of captivity together. for sure being an american for him and the brother of an american military personnel were negative points. >> reporter: before foley was executed, isis sent his parents an e-mail full of rage saying their son would pay the price for u.s. air strikes against the group in iraq. isis is threatening to kill another american reporter, steven sotloff. the fate of those foreign journalists and other hostages in syria remains unknown, but this three-year conflict in syria is taking a toll across the country. the u.n. said today that the death toll in syria is now nearly 200,000. tamron, back to you. >> richard, thank you very much. james foley's parents john and diane are with us exclusively. good morning to both of you. first our deepest condolences and thank you so much for
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joining us this morning. >> good morning. thank you. >> thank you, tamron. >> diane, let me start with asking you about the phone call you received from pope francis. can you share with me more of the words he offered to comfort you and your family? >> pope francis was so dear because he is grieving himself having just lost three members of his family and his nephew critically ill. so here in the midst of his tremendous grief, he took the time to call. our whole family was there. one of our beloved priests fr. mark was there. and my brother-in-law spoke in spanish to him. and he was just so kind. >> he offered us his personal prayer and we felt very comforted and supported in that regard. >> john, i know you and the
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family decided to release this e-mail that was sent to you from your son's captors. it was an e-mail you received a week before he was executed. was this the first e-mail you received from them and why did you decide to release this one? >> well, we hadn't heard from jim's captors since december. you know, i actually was excited to see an e-mail despite the conclusion that they would execute jim. i underestimated that point. i did not realize how brutal they were. and i actually hoped we could engage in negotiations with them if they were willing to send us any sort of communication because we had none prior. >> the last time we heard from them was in december, actually. in december, we had received several e-mails, but then they stopped communicating.
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and so we were just anxiously waiting. we had established a special e-mail just -- you know, and sent multiple messages hoping to engage them. >> well, we are learning more about your son and his bravery while being held by those captors who sent the e-mail to you. a french journalist, diane, talked about being chained there with your son and the perseverance. and he was their rock even though he was being tortured and tormented as we understand the most because he was american. how did that comfort you in any way, diane, knowing that everything you and john taught your son, he was showing to others in the midst of all of his pain and fear? >> well, jim's courage and particularly his compassion and love in that box which they called it was an answer to prayer. we had so many people praying for jimmy. we had begged for prayer. but we didn't need to.
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everyone was so good and praying. and jim's strength and love was the answer to prayer. jim was held up by all that prayer, tamron. >> well, john and diane, that will be the strength and love the legacy in the kindness he showed to others in trying to expose what else was happening in the world. john and diane foley, thank you again. our deepest sympathies to you and your family. >> we thank you. and we thank global post and so many other journalists who have been there for us. >> and we pray strongly that everything possible can be done to save steven sotloff and other american hostages. >> yeah. we just pray that they will be set free. >> absolutely. >> and jim will live on, tamron. we're going to establish a fund in his memory so that his compassion can live on. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> it's not hard to see where he got his strength and love. he got it right from his parents. they're extraordinary people. no now for what is next those two american ebola patients. out of the hospital and back with their families this morning after beating some very long odds. nbc's gabe gutierrez is at emory university hospital where kent brantly and nancy writebol were treated. gabe, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. those two patients have been scheduled for routine follow-up at emory, but first some much needed time off. this today as officials are stressing there is no public health concern following their release. this morning dr. kent brantly is doing something many thought would not be possible. >> my family and i will now be going away for a period of time to reconnect, decompress, and to continue to recover physically and emotionally. >> reporter: the first patient ever treated for ebola in the u.s. is now a survivor after being discharged from an atlanta
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hospital thursday nearly three weeks after arriving from liberia. on his way out, dr. brantly hugged the people responsible for his care. this is emory's chief nursing officer. how amazing was that moment? >> it was a great feeling. >> reporter: we also learned the other american missionary nancy writebol was quietly released on tuesday. the cdc says they no longer have the ebola virus in their blood and pose no health risk. doctors at emory anticipate that brantly and writebol would now be immune to this particular strain of ebola. it's still unclear whether zmapp helped. >> the honest answer is we don't know. experimental drugs are experimental because they haven't been proven to work. >> reporter: doctors here say their speedy recovery is due to the higher standard of care in the u.s. far exceeding the desperate conditions in africa where there's a massive shortage of medical workers and supplies. >> above all, i am forever
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thankful to god for sparing my life. and i'm glad for any attention my sickness has attracted to the plight of west africa in the midst of this epidemic. >> reporter: when asked if emory would treat any more ebola patients as the outbreak continues, doctors here said that would be determined on a case-by-case basis. >> gabe, thank you very much. and coming up we'll talk exclusively to nancy writebol's sons jeremy and brian about their mom's remarkable recovery and release. but first to the easing tensions in ferguson, missouri. peter alexander is in for natalie this morning. peter, good morning. >> good morning, tamron. a little good news for ferguson today. missouri's governor is now ordering the national guard to pull out of ferguson after a third straight night of relatively peaceful protests. this move, of course, comes after almost two weeks following the police shooting of an unarmed black teenager. nbc's craig melvin is in ferguson again for us this morning with the latest developments. craig, good morning. >> reporter: peter, good morning
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to you. last night was the calmest night in ferguson since the protests started. to give you perspective, seven arrests last night. just to give you perspective, more than 70 arrests here monday night. we're also starting to learn a little bit more about the moments after the august 9th shooting. nbc news has learned that officer darren wilson was in fact treated for injuries after shooting and killing michael brown. he was taken to a local hospital. what we do not know, though, is how serious the injury or injuries were. we also don't know whether wilson was actually admitted to the hospital. a spokesperson with the local prosecutor's office telling us the medical records will not be made public while the case itself is before the grand jury. meanwhile this community preparing for a funeral. michael brown will be laid to rest here monday morning at 10:00 a.m. >> craig, thank you very much. the bodies and ashes of 20 malaysians killed in the malaysia airlines flight 17 disaster arrived in kuala lumpur today.
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their coffins were draped in the malaysian flags. they were carried by teams of eight soldiers to waiting cars before being taken to waiting funerals. all 298 on board flight mh-17 died when shot down by an area controlled by pro-russian separatists. now to a story we told you about last week. the lawyer for the woman who drank the sweetened tea with a chemical cleaner said that restaurant had a similar incident last month. she took her finger in a sugar container and licked it but he said it was the same cleaning chemical lye and that her tongue started bleeding. harding is starting to recover after days of being in critical condition. caught on camera, a different kind of grassroots campaign. surveillance video of women shown picking up newly laid turf. the neighbors say it took the women about 40 minutes.
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not just that. they apparently stopped for a cigarette break halfway through. so far police have not made arrests. but three doors down there's a gorgeous new yard. just beautiful. >> cigarette break or were they smoking that grass? >> nice. >> en fuego. >> you got some rain in the midwest? >> we're talking deluges. this is from parts of northern illinois. cook county. some places picking up 5 inches of rain in an hour. it's spreading into indiana and ohio as well. you can see this is at the eisenhower freeway. midway airport, some of the roads have been closed off as well. a real mess. let's see what's happening. here's the latest. you can see that ring of fire bringing all the record-breaking heat to the plains. but these storms right up and over that jet stream get caught up. you can see from des moines all
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the way up into columbus, ohio, today we're looking at these strong storms. right now the heaviest rain has moved to the south of chicago but could fire up again later today. and then the other part of it is the heat. it's going to feel like 108 in st. louis. birmingham, 103. charleston, 106. tomorrow more of the same in louisville, 105. st. louis beings you, you are under a heat advisory. sunday it continues, but then finally starts to break as we get on into monday. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in 30 seconds. to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it. ♪
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7:15, happy friday, i'm meteorologist christina loren taking a live looks at san francisco. foggy sky here. same foggy sky over emeryville. pretty start to the day. gorgeous finish. all this cloud cover will clear the inner baby right around 10:00 a.m. you'll have to wait until lunchtime for today. san francisco, but san jose, we're starting out really nice. temperatures work like this. as we head throughout the afternoon, we are going to jump into the 80s, just a low 80s for the south bay. we're talking about the upper 60s today in san francisco and 77 on the east shore. much. we've been talking for weeks about the ice bucket challenge, but sometimes it does not go as planned. in kentucky a group of firefighters are being treated for serious injuries after the making of one challenge went horribly wrong. kerry sanders is in louisville with the latest. kerry, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tamron. in all, four firefighters were injured after they had completed
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successfully pulling off an inventive ice bucket challenge. turns out they were too close to a high voltage line and an arc or jolt of electricity jolted them. they are here at the hospital after suffering severe burns. the ice bucket challenge worked. 80 students, all members of the marching band at campbellsville university marching band huddled together as the fire department doused them. as the band members started to leave and firefighters were breaking down, investigators say the metal ladder on the fire truck was too close to the high voltage power lines. more than 69,000 volts, enough to power 4,000 homes and businesses, arced from the line to the firefighters. the most seriously injured, 41-year-old captain tony grider, a 16-year veteran. and 22-year-old part-time
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firefighter alex quinn. >> first we heard the explosion and looked up and saw a big flash. then there was another explosion. so they were both down the bucket. >> reporter: what was supposed to be a moment of laughter instead, on the campus of this baptist college a reminder of how life can change in the blink of an eye. the ice bucket challenges have taken over social media. former presidents, stars, even those of us here on "today" have participated. in the process since the end of july, almost $42 million has been raised for the fight against als. also known as lou gehrig's disease. now that disease with no cure has claimed victims in a cruel twist. the very people raising money to help injured in a freak accident. doctors here at the university of louisville hospital say the next 24 hours are critical as they monitor the burns of those
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who are still here for infection. meantime the als association did release a statement saying that our hearts go out to the injured firefighters and their families. our thoughts will remain with them during this difficult time. truly tragic. >> thank you. we've seen other people slip and fall and hurt themselves, hit their heads with the bucket. you have to be careful, obviously. >> you want it to be for a good cause. not get people hurt. you guys watch the game last night? >> i saw the highlights this morning. >> little league world series. more drama. chicago taking on philadelphia. mo'ne davis back on the field. >> must be the mo'ne. >> here covering for carson in the orange room, jenna. >> we did that. we counted the mo'ne for the last eight or nine days. unfortunately this is the end of the road for mo'ne davis. but just this road. there are plenty of highways and other roads for this 13-year-old athletic sensation. that's what we're calling her. her philadelphia team lost to chicago last night 6-5. she didn't pitch. she actually threw 55 pitches the night before. so she played first base.
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very, very versatile, this athlete. remember it's only been about eight days since the little league world series started. what an impact she had. she was the first athlete to grace the cover -- little league athlete of "sports illustrated." she was also the first female to throw a shutout in the little league world series. how about that? you want a ball autographed by her? fork over $450 on ebay. this isn't going to be cheap. we're not the only ones inspired by this young sensation. so exciting thinking of where she plays. can't get enough of watching her play. thank you for representing for all the women young and old. and i like this one because we have the #throwlikeagirl. whap a great game. we agree. how about this? baseball's not even her strong sport. she wants to play college basketball at uconn. why do i feel like she's going to absolutely do that and then some? guys?
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>> maybe we should bid on that ball on ebay. >> she didn't put the ball up on ebay. we gave love to nevada yesterday. let's give love to chicago. they played great last night. >> yeah. good game. coming up, inside the miraculous recovery of an american ebola patient. her sons are with us for an exclusive live interview. plus an encouraging milestone for amy van dyken-rouen. her first steps since being paralyzed in an atv accident. but first this is "today" on nbc. zed in an atv accident. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ ♪ overexposure. why a woman that took part in a reality show "dating naked" is now suing producers. >> what could they have done? plus a concert from hunter hayes on the plaza. first, you local news and weather.
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start your day with the power of protein. milk life. introducing the iconic black dress collection. only at white house black market. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. ♪
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♪ you're watching "today in the bay." very good morning, it is 7:26 i'm laura garcia-cannon. crews have just put out a fire in the san jose's homeless encampment called the jungle. officers saw flames coming from the area. crews arrived and put out the flames in 20 minutes. no word on any injuries. field crews are hard at work this morning, they're putting in a new turf. chopper got video of crews laying down the new sod. yesterday they dug up most of the grass. it was really chewed uch during last sunday's pregame. it's a big injury risk for players. now a source within the city tells us the grass is not the problem, it is the sand
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underneath. now whatever the case, the clock is ticking, 49ers hosted to schedule the 49ers this sunday afternoon in the preseason game. we'll continue to watch that. watching the weather, christina loren. >> always more pont on the weekend, right, good morning. live look at hillsburg, lots of clouds over san francisco. meanwhile we are sunny from high atop mt. hamilton. gorgeous start to the day here in the south bay. temperatures will be comfortable for today. low 80s here. 80 degrees straight up for the peninsula, upper 70s on the way to the east shore, 66 in san francisco, and about 828 degrees in the north bay. good news is, more of the same coming your way for this weekend. boost up that humidity on sunday, but then as we meet back here monday to tuesday, temperatures staying nice and level, crank that heat towards the end of next week. and remember, you'll notice that on your seven day forecast, always scrolling here at the bottom of your screen. for your microclimate throughout all my broadcast, here's mike and the drive. low across the san mateo bridge. reports of a garbage truck on
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basically at the higher garbage can at if the high-rise. that may be blocking one lane, causing more slowing as the crew arrives. look at the view from the other side of the bridge. and off lot of congestion, but smooth flow approaching foster city. lanes are waiting for confirmation. easy drive for most of the bay. south bay, nothing like yesterday, but northbound 101 does jam up approaching capitol expressway, earlier crash there, rest of the build typical for 280, 87, and # 5. >> thank you, i will be back with another local news update in half hour, hope to see you then.
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7:30 on a friday morning. it's the 22nd day of august 2014. take a look at the plaza filled with country music hunter hayes fans. he's going to be putting on a great show. share your excitement with the #huntertoday. let's look at what's making headlines. the obama administration is issuing its biggest warning yet about isis following the murder of james foley. chuck hagel saying they are now a bigger threat than al qaeda. meantime, in an exclusive interview this morning, foley's parents opened up about the phone call they received from pope francis saying his words were comforting.
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national guard troops are beginning to withdraw from ferguson, missouri. governor jay nixon gave the order with violent protests over the death of michael brown now subsiding. and it is a messy commute in chicago where heavy rain overnight led to flash floods, road closures, and even subway delays. coming up later, first steps. this is remarkable. this new milestone now for olympic medalist amy van dyk dyken-rou dyken-rouen. she has inspired from the start now the fact she's taking steps is incredible. >> you could lose a lot of money betting against her on anything. let's start this half hour with more on the miraculous recoveries of the two americans who battled the ebola virus as their doctor put it both kent brantly and nancy writebol are inspirations. >> the second patient, mrs. writebol was discharged this past tuesday, august 19th. the medical staff here at emory
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is confident that the discharge from the hospital of both of these patients poses no public health threat. all of us who have worked with them have been impressed by their courage and determination. their hope and faith have been an inspiration to all of us. >> nancy writebol's sons jeremy and brian are with us now exclusively. good morning. nice to see you. >> good morning. >> big smiles on their faces. turns out your mom's full of surprises. she left the hospital a couple of days before we even found out that both of them had been determined to be virus free. what was the first thing she wanted to do when she got out? >> rest. she was tired. fully recovered at least from a medical standpoint at the hospital but ready to slip away and recover are dad and be with him. >> they've been married for more than 40 years. he had to stay behind in liberia while she was air lifted out to the united states. what was that reunion like? >> it was a beautiful time.
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they were just able to be together and see one another for the first time in several weeks. so it was really, really good. >> i watched dr. brantly yesterday at the press conference. he appeared strong and healthy and he had good color in his face. i've heard reports, though, that your mom is still a little on the weak side. is that true? >> she's tired and trying to rest. there's still some physical recovery that has to go on there, but her color is good and strong. these pictures were taken just a few days ago. she's pretty happy there. >> we spent some time together in atlanta, jeremy, you and me. you talked about about that image when you saw your mom be carried on a stretching out of the ambulance there. you said you started sobbing. i think your dad even said at that point he was thinking of maybe planning a funeral. talk to me about what this ride has been like. >> it's been the lowest of lows and at the same time the highest of highs. we've experienced both thinking
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about mom's potential death in succumbing to ebola. but then her recovery and being healed has brought our spirits up. >> has she talked to you about her mortality? >> a little bit, but her faith is in christ jesus. that's really where she rests. and so she just really is happy to be healed and out of the hospital. >> she and dr. brantly are now members of a rather exclusive club. a club i'm sure neither wants to be a part of. but they are now members of the club of people who survived the ebola virus. what do you think made the difference? does your mom think that experimental serum zmapp made a difference? was it the care at emory university hospital? was it her faith in god? >> all three. probably faith first and then the care at emory and then that product had something to do with it, we think, in some way. but certainly the supportive care at emory was huge. >> and she and dr. brantly now share a unique bond. do you think that's something that they'll have for the rest
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of their lives? >> i think so. dr. brantly is now kind of part of our family. >> is she going to go back to liberia? >> she's still thinking about it. she's been talking about that. it's season of rest and recovery for her. africa is still in their heart. the suffering of the people there is still deep for them. maybe through this and their time to recover, that will give them clarity on what to do next and where to go. >> we're thankful for her recovery and dr. brantly's recovery and the fact they've drawn attention to the situation in africa. guys, thanks so much. >> thank you, matt. >> keep those smiles. jeremy and brian writebol . now we're going to get a check of weather with al. >> announcer: "today's" weather brought to you by soma. your new bra destination in sizes 32a-44g. >> and it's been a quiet season
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in the atlantic. but we're watching this system right now making its way towards puerto rico. 85% of becoming a tropical storm. we're expecting some flooding. look at the possible paths. most are taken out over the bahamas and out. but we'll continue to watch that. rest of the kocountry today, th central plains. high surf advisories southern california. another gorgeous day on the west coast. more heavy showers and thunderstorms back through the plains. and that wet weather continues from chicago, indiana, all the way on into central that's wha 7:36, you made it to friday. why not talk about the beach for today and this weekend. comfortable conditions. low 70s in santa cruz in the water, still getting those unusually warm currents, but i can tell you, we have this dangerous southwesterly swell shaping up.
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you want to go to guarded beach all weekend long. 80s for today, saturday and sundays, more of the same. 66 in san francisco, we're headed towards about 77 degrees on the east shore. and 83 degrees here in beautiful south bay. getting into tomorrow, 82 degrees, we'll hold steady all weekend long. s your latest weather. >> thank you, al. coming up on "trending," not the most important meal of the day. the new study casting doubt on benefits of breakfast. and then the newest phase -- the latest phase in the remarkable and inspiring recovery of olympic gold medalist amy van dyken-rouen. but first these messages. mayo, corn are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein... with 30% less sugars than before. ensure, your #1 dr. recommended brand now introduces ensure active. muscle health. clear protein drink and high protein.
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new flatbread sandwiches from panera... ... each 360 calories or less. try one today. we're back now. prepare to be inspired. we have a woman used to beating the odds. the olympic swimmer was paral e paralyzed. two months later, she's updating the world on her recovery. she's defieing expectations once again. the images are miraculous, she's standing and taking her first steps with the aid of a bionic device. just two and a half months after a near fatal atv accident severed her spine. recovery has been swift.
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discharge from a colorado hospital last week. >> this is not easy. i don't want to portray the fact because i have a smile on my face it is easy. itis not. >> she is in outpatient therapy. >> she wasn't moving or breathing. >> i spoke to her and her husband weeks after her injury. >> i am now paralyzed. i am disabled. i'm a paraplegic, i aim not to be one day, that's what i am. >> facing that reality, she vowed she would recover. how long are you in here each day? >> i am working from basically from, right now, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. >> she set out to tackle this with the same focus and determination that earned her six gold medals. topping the medal stand in atlanta and sydney. >> it's a race. >> now the first american woman to win four golds is training
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for a new type of victory. >> i'm taking it head on. i'm not afraid of it. i welcome it. this is more than for a gold medal. this is for my life, our life. so, you know, i'm here and working as hard as i can for that. >> you love to set goals. what is your goal? >> my ultimate goal is in august to walk out of here. >> on thursday, she did just that. and in what's become her trademark, exceeding everyone's expectations. back when i was with her at that hospital, i said, when you are able to fly, come visit us in the studio. come and do that. two weeks from today, she will do that and join us. we can't wait to see her. coming up on trending, do you have one? a love affair between guys and the bacon of shirts. does it smell like bacon in there? >> we'll explain it.
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this is a good one. and a live concert from country sensation, hunter hayes. first, these messages. ♪ start a team. join a team. walk to end alzheimer's. visit today. you should notice a real difference with these. they are nikon eyes prescription eyeglass lenses. you get sharper, clearer vision, and unlike ordinary lenses, nikon eyes lenses resist scratches and reduce glare. plus, walmart offers a twelve-month replacement guarantee. break or damage them, and we repair or replace them at no charge. and we now have nikon eyes sun lenses, so you can enjoy nikon eyes sharpness and clarity outside.
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ask about our second pair savings. nikon eyes lenses available at walmart. taco bell brought back these ronathem a question...sked would you get a breakfast burrito from a burger place? you don't go to a sushi bar and order spaghetti. good point, ronald mcdonald taco bell's new grilled breakfast burritos: just a buck twenty-nine.
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much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe.
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chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and there's nothing like leaving home feeling attractive. challenge! but too many times i feel bloated, gassy, uncomfortable with gurgling. nothing seems to feel right! and yet another pile of clothes on my bed. so i'm taking the activia challenge. eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. when your tummy smiles, things just feel right! join me and take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ dannon! keep t♪e change. at famous footwear we're not just selling back to school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. we've done our homework to find the hottest shoes to send your kids back in style. like our exclusive shimmer print converse high-tops. anybody sitting here?
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only at famous footwear. famous footwear. victory is yours. good news around here. savannah's baby is here and carson's baby is here. and jenna's filling in for carson. he's schaub babies this morning as well. >> if you think we've been having babies a lot around here at the "today" show and you're wondering what's in the water. it is x chromosome. everyone is having girls. carson and siri have london here. it's such exciting news. we want to tell everybody. so we wonder what's the most creative way you can think of to anoups you're pregnant. we found a couple good ones. only child expiring. fantastic. coming soon, baby number four. i love it. although i don't quite get that.
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anyway, this is an interesting one. it's just an ultrasound shot. does that look familiar? does that face look familiar? does it look anything like that little girl by any chance? yeah. harper is going to be a big sister. stephanie and i are proud to announce we're welcoming another baby girl. i figured i got pregnant, i did it right the first time. i'm just going to do the exact same thing again and we're going to hope for the best. but we are so proud to announce it. and we're going to have it here in the orange room. >> they're almost going to be in the same grade. that's unbelievable. >> they're practically the same person. >> you can see it's your child because she's flexing. >> she was. right here. and the abs are working too. >> please congratulate stephanie. you know what? let's kindergarten stephanie ourselves. in the monitor right there, stephanie gosk.
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stephanie, congratulations. >> oh! >> oh, it's that connection with tel aviv. not getting it. >> we'll get her back in a little while. >> let's go back to that. >> our sincere congratulations, jenna. what great news. >> thank you very much. >> we are so excited for both of you. coming up, does she actually have a case? this is a weird story. a participant on the reality show "dating naked" now suing for $10 million for being shown naked on tv. >> what part of dating naked didn't she get? >> what part of dating naked didn't she get? and four-time grammy to pitch in for an industrial-sized smoker. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. all with no hoops to jump through. norm used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to enter the bbq masters invitational. where he smoked 40 pounds of ribs and the competition. that's the satisfaction
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7:53 am
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7:54 am
choosing is half the fun.. because there's a little something delicious... for everyone. hershey's miniatures, choose your own delicious. introducing the iconic white shirt collection. only at white house black market. how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking? eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. ♪ the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. nervous whitening will damage your teeth? introducing new listerine® healthy whitetm. it not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. lose the nerves,
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and get a healthier, whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy whitetm. power to your mouthtm! are missing out on the milgood things in milk.icans but your small donation will get milk to their local food banks. you'll fill glasses with milk and hearts with hope. donate now at ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] during the cadillac summer's best event, lease this 2014 ats for around $299 a month. hurry in -- this exceptional offer ends soon. ♪ ♪
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you're watching "today in the bay." a very good morning to you, it is 7:56 i'm laura garcia-cannon. the family of a san francisco man shot and killed by a police officer earlier this year is now suing the city. this morning, the family held a remembrance ceremony at the park where he was shot in march. police say he pointed a taser at officers who mistook it for a real gun. the family claims police used excessive forest. this afternoon, the family will march across zpraens and hold a rally at the federal building where they will file a lawsuit against the city. some community colleges in california are one step closer to offering four year degrees. measure is heading to the governor's desk allowing districts to offer bachelor's degree. it may start next year. let's check the forecast right now with meteorologist christina loren. how are we looking? >> good, taking a live look here emeryville. what a pretty start to the day.
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we have low clouds, the sun is breaking through, and a gorgeous finish coming your way on the east shore, temperatures staying in the 70s. here's san francisco now, pretty start over hayes valley and san jose. we already have that sunshine coming in. otherwise, you're going to have to wait a while for the sun right around the inner bay and at the immediate coast until about 10:00 a.m. temperatures will be comfortable. 83 degrees for the south bay. today we're at 80 degrees on the peninsula and 77 degrees for the east shore. here's mike and the drive. 880 slowing up towards the coliseum and high street, that's a traditional pattern right there. friday, lighter build. the map, we have a slower drive northbound. looks like lanes are cleared, icon reminder that the a's are playing tonight. folks headed towards the area as well. smooth drive for the tri-valley, nothing unusual. much better than yesterday, off slower drive, it is friday afterall, we are coming through the south bay, back to you. >> what was that friday part?
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>> more news update in half hour. see you then. what? you expect me to stay up there all day? [ car alarm chirps ] just like you, i love everything the golden state of california has to offer. so i stay golden by managing my energy use. energy upgrade california taught me how.
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learn to manage your energy at
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, bouncing back. a teen basketball star who survived not one but two plane crashes. he dreams of playing college basketball. maria shriver has his incredible story, hard work and faith. overexposed? why one cast member of the hit show "dating naked" is suing producers for $10 million claiming they showed too much. and we're going a little bit country. hunter hayes is here, august 22nd, 2014.
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>> going crazy with hunter hayes! ♪ >> i'm a new york girl with a country soul! >> hunter, by many first crush. >> we love you hunter! ♪ we want crazy we're back now. 8:00 on a friday morning. and we've got a big country music crowd in rockefeller plaza this morning with a very good reason. hunter hayes is going to be putting on a show in just a couple minutes. we'll get to that. matt lauer alongside tamron hall. tamron's here while savannah continues maternity leave. we've got someone who in seven or eight months from now will be on maternity leave. jenna wolf here and al roker joins us as well.
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you're not going on maternity leave. >> you are going out west. >> and it's jenna's baby. >> profile. >> you're jumping on a plane. >> i am. emmy awards coming up monday night right here on nbc. seth meyers is this year's host. we're going to have an exclusive interview with him monday morning. i know a guy. and on tuesday, my buddy carson will be joining us who just had a baby. he's going to join us for the complete wrapup with all the winners, the fashion, and the par-ty. >> sounds good. let's head inside and get a check of the morning's top stories. peter alexander is in for natalie. hey, peter. >> good morning to you. the pentagon says no option is off the table when it comes to stopping isis and the threat it poses to americans. joint chiefs chairman dempsey says the air strikes in iraq are not enough. he warns the group cannot be defeated without military
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strikes in neighboring syria. when asked to compare isis to al qaeda, he said isis is beyond anything we've seen and represents a new level of threat to the u.s. in an exclusive interview here on "today," the parents of american journalist james foley who was executed by isis confirmed they had received a number of e-mails from his captors including one just a week before he was killed. >> i actually was excited to see an e-mail despite the conclusion that they would execute jim. i underestimated them at that point. i did not realize how brutal they were. >> the foleys also spoke of their gratitude to pope francis who phoned them to offer his personal prayers and condolences for their son. two americans who were successfully treated for ebola that they contracted in africa are now out of the hospital and reconnecting with their families. during an exclusive interview here earlier on "today," matt
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asked the sons of patient nancy writebol if their mother plans to resume her work overseas? >> africa is still in her heart. the people of africa are still deep for them. maybe through this time to recover, it'll give them clarity on what to do next. >> writebol's sons credited her recovery to her faith, the experimental drugs she received and her care at emory university hospital. vigils are planned in ferguson, missouri to mark two weeks since the police shooting of an unarmed teenager, michael brown. his funeral is on monday. meantime jay nixon has ordered the national guard to start withdrawing from ferguson. the streets there were relatively quiet overnight. just a handful of protesters arrested. mostly for failing to disperse. you know that stylishly tall hat worn by pharrell williams? at the grammy awards? it goes on display today at the museum in washington, d.c. the hat became an immediate internet sensation.
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arby's paid $44,000 to charity to purchase it saying it resembled their logo. it is 8:05 right now. another check of the weather with al. meanwhile, the hat, smokey bear's hat missing from the smithsonian right now. just saying. >> what? how's that possible? wow. only kidding. where are you from? >> illinois. >> long island. >> big hunter hayes fan? >> oh, yeah. >> stand by. we've got him coming up. let's show you what we have going on right now. we've got wet weather making its way through the northeast and new england. boston a little on the foggy side. some showers this morning. mostly cloudy. it will be a cool weekend in boston. no heat in sight there. in fact, you look at this. we've got this cooler air back door cold front pushing through. friday, 75 here in new york, boston 69. atlantic city 77 on saturday. temperatures still say below normal. anywhere from 5 to 10 degrees below normal.
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on sunday it's just pretty much the same thing. that's what's going on aroun 8:05. taking a look at the woods of the peninsula. this is a live look here, la honda, pretty start to the day. a little bit of low cloud cover. overall, though, it is fading fast over the santa clara valley. we had enough this morning to keep our temperatures nice and comfortable for today. and all right starting to see a little sunshine here in the city by the bay. 56 degrees in the city today. 83 for the south bay, 80 degrees straight up on the peninsula, more of the same coming your way. as we kick off this weekend, temperatures remaining in the low 80s in the south bay. upper 60s in san francisco. >> all right, al, thank you so much. coming up next on "trending," we're told to never start the day without a good breakfast. but have the benefits of that meal been exaggerated? the surprising results of two studies. >> interesting. then why one woman who agreed to be on a reality show called "dating naked" is now suing for millions after being shown naked on the show. and then one of the hottest
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names in country music, hunter hayes. that guy, live in concert. but first, these messages. ♪ it's a very special process. we dip it and shake it seven times. we hand bread it seven times. we rock it seven times. now you may be wondering-why all of the sevens? because it's a lucky number? jack pot. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ he paid for ya. ♪ ♪ it's a german luxury sedan. but it's still an audi. ♪ the audi a4. performance with the right attitude. get exceptional offers on the audi a4 during the summer of audi event. visit today (sfx) rings sound design. ♪
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shingles affected me tremendously as a pilot. the pain in my scalp area and down the back of my neck was intense. it would have been virtually impossible in that confined space to move to change radio frequencies. i mean it hurt. i couldn't even get up and drive let alone teach somebody and be responsible in an airplane. as a pilot that meant i was grounded. look what i got with walmart's low prices. these are for the parent teacher conference. nice these are for when the kids do something good, i get that. and these are for when i want to come off totally laid-back. totally. with frames starting at $38, you don't have to choose just one. walmart. it only happens once a year. clearance event, super fun. of course you can get a great deal. hold on. 0% apr financing on a bunch of models.
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annual and it's right now. they're having fun. you can get all kinds of deals. come on down. yeah, you better hurry in. you tell'em jan sent you. during toyota's annual clearance event, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a 2014.5 camry. offer ends september 2nd. for great deals on other toyota's, visit thanks jan. ooh i got it. toyota, let's go places. we're back now. 8:10 and it's a good time to take a look at "what's trending" today. >> there have been rumors for months now but nick cannon is confirming that he and mariah carey are living separately after six years of marriage. the "america's got talent" host tellingia hoo, there's trouble in paradise. we've been living in separate houses for a few months. both say their focus is on their 3-year-old twins, moroccan and monroe. >> there's been a lot of
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speculation about that. now we're hearing from one of the parties involved. meanwhile, what about this story. we've heard about breakfast is what? >> most important meal of the day. >> most important meal of the day. >> crucial for weight loss and good general health. but is that really true? this morning two new studies casting doubt on those claims. both studies assigned volunteers to either eat or skip breakfast. the first revealing that eating breakfast had little effect on weight loss. and in the second study, researchers saying they were surprised to find no real change when it came to metabolism, cholesterol, even blood sugar levels. still critics caution that more research is necessary. i still believe in a good breakfast. >> i do too. >> i feel better when i have breakfast. >> it's better than eating dinner at 11:00 p.m. >> you know what's better, breakfast at dinner? >> pizza for breakfast. >> now what are we talking about? >> what's for breakfast. >> clearly. >> you a breakfast eater? >> from a fitness perspective, it gets your metabolism woken up and ready to go.
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it lets your body know it's time to break down food. i truly believe in breakfast. >> we're sold, then. >> okay. speaking of breakfast, here's the deal. this is being called the bacon of shirts. follow along now. men cannot get enough of bacon, right? al? >> oh, yeah. >> apparently they also can't live without their gingham shirts. don't believe us? there's now an instagram account to prove it. it's called the j. crew gingham shirt. it collects photos of all the guys spotted wearing the popular button down. the guy behind it used to work here at "today." he says there are two kinds of people in the world. guys who wear gingham and everybody else. and as proof, i'm not and tamron's not. but who's wearing a gingham shirt? >> you own a gingham shirt. >> there you both are photographed in one. >> you're wearing one right now. >> what's the appeal of the shirt? >> it's casual. >> you tan put a tie on and still wear it. >> it's the bacon of shirts. >> i love that.
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>> we got another for you. this one's a cool one. "guardians of the galaxy" is one of the hottest movies this summer. the superhero flick grossing more than $230 million worldwide. this week star chris pratt turned into a real life hero making dylan a promise to visit a children's hospital in los angeles. he's also the voice of emmitt, the lead in "the lego movie." she dressed up and let his fans play star lord for awhile. safe to say, the galaxy is in good hands these days. >> we love them. >> galaxy rules, actually. it's not only kicking butt at the box office, it is rocking the music charts as well. ♪ ♪ come and get your love ♪ ain't no mountain high enough ♪ >> sound track features old did is but goodies. we have this one, hold on. ♪
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♪ uga uga ♪ can't stop this feeling >> that's right. album second week at number one, bringing the '60s and '70s to a new generation. guess what's number three, the number three album? >> "frozen." >> you ever come in early in the morning and listen to that in his dressing room? >> that's right. i'm a 12-year-old girl living in a 60-year-old black man. >> and proud of it. >> and proud of it. >> scenes from the a-team. >> right, right. >> look at that face. >> and that is "what's trending" today. up next, a remarkable story of resilience from a young man who survived not one, but two plane crashes. we're back in 30 seconds.
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we're back at 8:15 with a remarkable story of survival and courage. indiana teenager austin hatch made national news after living through two plane crashes. nbc special anchor maria shriver recently caught up with him. maria, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. nice to see you. we're all about to meet an extraordinary young man. austin has endured the unthinkable. surviving two plane crashes that took the lives of his parents and his siblings and left him critically injured. well, now, austin is speaking out to inspire others to never give up hope, no matter what you face.
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>> if i would have thought of this situation before it happened to me, i wouldn't have thought i could make it, either. i think it really comes down to character, just being able to persevere in the midst of tragedy and the midst of adversity. >> reporter: at 19 years old, austin hatch has braved more adversity than most do in a lifetime. raised in a loving family in suburban indiana, the 6'6" teen was a star basketball player who dream of playing for the university of michigan. his mother julie's, alma mater. >> from an early age, that was a bond we shared. >> reporter: but when austin was just 8 years old, tragedy. his father steven, an avid pilot, was flying the family in their small plane when it crashed upon landing killing austin's mother and two siblings. austin and his dad survived. and became each other's life lines through the grief.
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>> i am what kept him going. and he's definitely what kept me going. he was my best friend, my basketball coach, my mentor. everything. >> reporter: by 16 with his dad's support, austin got his wish. verbally committing to play college ball at michigan. but then a cruel twist of fate. he and his dad were in another plane crash killing his father and stepmother. and leaving austin with severe brain injuries. doctors feared he'd never play basketball again. now you've lost both your parents, your brother and your sister. your whole family. did you ever think, like, i'm not going to be able to make this? >> no. never. and i can hear their voices in my head, you know, when i face a difficult situation. i can hear my dad guiding me. that's really all i strive to do my whole life is just to honor him with my life. >> reporter: even with his family gone, austin didn't give up. re-learning how to talk and walk.
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>> my dad and mom raised me to be an uncommon man. the uncommon man gets up at 5:00 in the morning to work out and get stronger when no one else is. and it takes an uncommon man to do that when no one's looking. >> reporter: to fulfill his basketball dreams, austin moved in with family in california to finish high school. building up his skills with a private coach. and keeping his father's bible by his bed. do you have a deep faith in god and in yourself? >> very, very deep faith. surviving two airplane crashes either luck is on your side or there's some sort of divine intervention in your life. >> reporter: in his first game back, austin said his faith helped him score this three-pointer on his very first shot. the whole place is in pandemonium. the whole team is watching. what was that like? >> well, there were a lot of
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tears in the locker room. not that that shot meant i was totally recovered, and it definitely didn't, but it was a big step in the right direction. >> reporter: three years since he lost nearly everything, austin's dreams are finally coming true. this spring he graduated from high school and is now at the university of michigan on a full basketball scholarship. his success, a lesson to anyone facing the impossible. when you asked yourself the question, why me, what was the answer you came up with? >> asking yourself that question, it doesn't do any good. because, i mean, the time that you could spend wondering and thinking why me, that's time that you could have spent working your tail off to get better. >> reporter: well, this week austin plays his first game for michigan. and he's looking forward to playing many more. he says he doesn't hold any anger about what happened to him. and that just being alive is a gift. and every day he says is an opportunity to make his parents proud.
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matt, he is an incredible man. >> we are sitting here shaking our heads, we can't believe this. first of all, thank you for doing the interview. it's nice seeing you. i'm out. how do you get better than that? >> two words. >> two word, go blue. university of michigan. >> isn't that life funny that way? >> he's going to have a heck of a career. >> isn't it funny sometimes they keep walking every door for you. he walks in all of them. >> that he can see the light in the midst of that and still say positive is remarkable. >> we've seen these remarkable examples of faith this morning several times. the parents of that young murdered journalist james foley, the writebols, and now this young man. >> the nancy writebol family. >> again, maria. thank you so much. great to see you. >> thank you. nice to see you guys. now to a television reality show that's getting attention. quite a transition there. the show is called "dating naked." now one of its contestants is suing the company behind it. why?
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she claims she was too naked for "dating naked." here's nbc's joe fryer. >> reporter: the show's title gives you a good idea of the premise. >> this is a completely different type of dating. >> reporter: on "dating naked" on vh1, contestants look for love in the nude on the tube. for this story we've censored beyond what the show did, this isn't "today" naked. >> when i heard about the show, i was like why not? maybe this will work. >> there's no judging them on their clothes, on their style. you have to get to know the person. >> reporter: those who signed up say there's some comfort amid the blurred lines. because the audience isn't supposed to see frontal or genital nudity. >> knowing eventually it will get blurred out. >> reporter: now one contestant jes isi filed a $10 million lawsuit, saying the show did not blur her
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private parts during this scene. when view rs reacted on social media, one said i had to pause and rewind and replay in slow mo just to make sure. yep. in her lawsuit, she says she was shocked, horrified and outraged to observe this intrusion into her privacy for all to see. she says the show verbally promised that all frontal and genital nudity would be blurred out when broadcast. in a statement she tells nbc news, this is not what i anticipated. vh1 and viacom declined to comment on the case. >> she has a problem that she's on a show called "dating naked." nevertheless, she has a reasonable argument that she did not expect to be broadcast fully naked even though she was taping the show actually nude. >> reporter: the show premiered last month and became a target for comedy shows like "the soup." >> just because we signed up for this it doesn't mean we signed away our dignity. okay, that is literally exactly what that means. >> reporter: a dating show centered around the birthday suit now sparking a lawsuit.
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for "today," joe fryer, nbc news, los angeles. >> we've been bouncing around here. we had a mishap earlier in the orange room. we tried to talk to your partner stephanie gosk from tel aviv on the great news that you were expecting again. i think we have her now. >> there you go. >> i'm here. >> congratulations. >> congratulations. >> did you know? >> did you know, steph? >> oh, no. >> you're kidding. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, no! >> i thought she was being funny and doing that on purpose. she doesn't want to answer this question. >> she's been sitting for an hour and 20 minutes. >> can we say, stephanie is amazing. she did know. god bless her for being in gaza and tel aviv all week. come on back safely. >> next time we'll just try a phone call. >> can we try a third time? okay, well, meantime we have --
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>> i'm here. >> oh! >> hi, steph! >> quick, speak. >> hi, guys. >> i didn't want to miss out on this. i'm so excited. i didn't want you to do it without me. first of all, harper gets a sister, which is amazing. but on top of that for the next five months we basically get to eat anything we want in the house. burgers, pizza. it's going to be a free for all. >> enjoy it while it lasts. the minute that baby's born it's all back uphill. >> i know. >> technically it's you who gets anything you'd like. >> you guys have done this before. you know how it works. >> steph's all in. >> congratulations. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> thanks, guys. >> third time's a charm. in the meantime, we do have a sneak peek at the new coaches on "the voice." pharrell williams and gwen stefani are joining blake and adam for season seven. here's a first look at them all in action. >> one, two, three, turn around. >> you blew us all away. >> we won! we did it!
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>> as she's turning around, i got so gwen. you're just like -- ♪ >> make him happy. >> nice. ♪ >> do you like fashion? i have four clothing lines. >> i don't have four clothing lines, but i do have two trophies from winning "the voice." >> i have three trophies from "the voice" and a kred card. we'll go buy you some damn clothes. >> the bromance continues. "the voice" continues to nbc on september 22nd. coming up, a live concert from hunter hayes after your local news. ♪ like fireworks flying on the fourth of july ♪
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a very good morning to you. it is 8:26. i am laura garcia-cannon. crews working hard to get lery stadium ready for this pre-season game. yesterday they dug up most of that grass. it was really chewed up during last sunday's pre-season game. a source within the city of santa clara tells us the grass is not the problem, it's the sand underneath. a lot to figure out there. let's talk about the morning commute. i got a phone call from somebody in the south bay saying it is bad. >> must have been on highway 87. >> no, just a complainer, brent. >> it's always bad where brent is driving. >> let's look at the map. we have a live picture up from 23rd, where there is a crash in your two middle lanes, and
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having trouble getting them out of the roadway. that's the only slowdown we have for the bay, really, the rest of your bay including 580 and sb l international boulevard. the rest of your bay, a pretty typical build, anywhere north of 92. brent is down here in the south bay and a slower drive from -- >> see that red? that's where he is. >> and also 87 from 85 up to curtner, it's a tough drive. let's see if we can get him some special help. >> he was probably causing it. another update in half an hour.
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♪ at kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪
8:29 am
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♪ we're back now 8:30 on a friday morning. we have got a great crowd at rockefeller plaza, getting ready in just a couple of minutes for that man right there, hunter hayes putting on a concert for us. he can play 31 instruments. i can't believe it. we can't name 31 instruments between the five of us. >> 31 instruments in 22 years. >> amazing.
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>> by the way, another young superstar we love around here will take over the summer stage. a week from today arianna grande. so matt will have a few more chances to say his favorite line which is -- >> i got one less problem without you. >> come on, jenna, you know it. >> it will be fun to have her here. >> and al has a chance to say his favorite line -- >> bang, bang! >> we're so young and hip. >> we're pathetic. >> no! >> in the meantime, check out our good buddy meredith vieira. she is everywhere these days. she stopped by for my birthday bash earlier this week. this week she is gracing the cover of "parade" magazine. nice to see she got dressed up for it. of course meredith's brand new talk show debuts september 8th. check your local listings. >> perfect. how about a check of the weather? >> all righty. let's see what we've got for you starting off with today and the weekend. saturday, showers and thunderstorms making their way through the plains into the northeast.
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wet weather in florida. sunshine and high surf advisories alock -- along the southern california coast. then sunday sunday! we're looking for more wet weather in the southeast gulf coast. also looking at showers making their way through the plains. expect to see plenty of sunshine. in the northeast cooler temperatures in the northeast. and along the west coast, another gorgeous day 8:32. happy friday. i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a live look here at the beautiful santa clara valley. a little bit of low cloud cover left over there. we're already starting to see clearing here in san francisco, and between about noon and 4:00 p.m., you will get straight sunshine for today. temperatures look really comfortable. 77 degrees on the east shore. 67, san francisco, 82 driveways in the north bay. out in the tri-valley, comfortable conditions, 84 degrees and that's it. >> and that's your latest
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weather. thank you, sir. we are winding down our special series "60 rocks with roker" with a look at work later in life. >> that's right. so the average retirement age in the u.s., 62. so theoretically i'm two years away unless someone wants to make a change. i always said i want to keep working. and i'm not alone. our new survey of 60-year-olds, 65% say the secret to happiness is staying physically and mentally active. we found some folks who are doing just that. ♪ >> ready? and -- one -- >> i began something new as i was entering 60. >> reporter: 69-year-old alendrena dixon worked in five different correctional facilities in new york for 38 years. starting as probation officer and ending up a superintendent.
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in 2005 retiring, taking a new career path. >> i decided that i wanted to do something when i retire that was going to be a little different. >> reporter: she follow her passion and opened a dance and arts school for kids. >> i stay young, at least i think i stay young. >> reporter: it's her love for the kids that keeps her going. >> it's wonderful. they're just so precious. it makes you feel that you have given a part of yourself to the world. ♪ >> reporter: after 11 years running the dance school, she's got no plans to stop. >> when you turn 60 and as you're turning 70, you don't sit down, you don't stop. you just have joy. joy comes when you're doing what you love. that's what life is about. when i went into real estate, i think i found my niche. >> good morning. >> good morning! >> open house. welcome. >> reporter: 99-year-old stewart wade is a real estate agent with
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coldwell banker in hawaii. >> there's a nice beautiful dock down there. >> reporter: when he first graduated from high school in the 30s, his first job was at a pharmacy, later serving in the military, woshing in several companies before he went into real estate in 1968. >> it was so easy for me and i had so much fun, i made so many friends. >> reporter: stewart continued working way past the average retirement age. >> i just couldn't even think of retiring. what would i do? sit around? no. i was having too much fun showing people property and helping them find homes. >> look at the view. >> reporter: and while a whole lot has changed over the years -- >> when i went into business we filled out one sheet with a carbon paper behind it. >> reporter: -- stewart doesn't feel he's missed out by not retiring. >> i don't feel i'm missing anything. in fact, i made more money in my 80s than i ever did in my life. >> reporter: and the dude still has no plans to retire.
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>> it's been a lot better having fun working. as long as i keep going, i don't want people waiting on me. i want to be helping other people. >> does everybody know which direction they're going? >> reporter: the miami heat's golden oldies dancers range in age from 60 to 77 years young. >> five, six, seven, eight, one. >> reporter: dancers audition every year and train twice a week. >> here we go. ♪ >> if you feel like you are 30, then do it like you are 30. >> the more active you are, the younger you are. >> round and round and round. >> reporter: regardless of age, the golden oldies are quite the hit at the heat games. >> when you walk out on the floor, you hear the crowd. it makes you feel so good. you don't get this on your job. you get this with the golden oldies.
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>> it is the most fabulous thing for you to be able to do when you reach that age where people think you can't do anything. >> go heat! >> go them. >> think about this. by 2020, 25% of the u.s. workforce is going to be 55 or older. and so we're going to have our retirement coach coming up in the next hour. >> we can all learn something from those people. >> absolutely. >> when stewart wade started real estate the slogan was location. >> you said that all morning? >> we love them. up next, someone else we love. country music superstar hunter hayes. the different end of the age spectrum for sure. live in concert. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ eand this journey will keep you on the edge of your seat all summer long during the emirates airline us open series. don't miss your chance to see some of the top players in the world battle it out to see who's best. 5 weeks. 8 tournaments. 8 cities. which champion will prevail, which new hero will emerge? this is your chance to find out. for complete tv listings go to
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>> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to by
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toyota. >> at the ripe old age of 22, hunter hayes is already a bona fide star in the world of country music. first a couple things you may not know about hunter. ♪ i want to make you feel wanted ♪ hunter hayes, multi-platinum selling, chart topping, country singing sensation. 40 cma nominations winning six including 2012 new artist of the year award. adding to the list, guinness world records holder playing the most concerts. ten shows in ten different cities in 24 hours. ♪ i want crazy ♪ are you with me baby he started performing at age 4
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and at age 22 his star power is soaring today. all right. performing his smash hit "i want crazy" ladies and gentlemen, hunter hayes. ♪ i'm booking myself a one way flight ♪ ♪ i got to see the color in your eyes ♪ ♪ yeah telling myself i'm going to be all right ♪ ♪ without you baby it's a waste of time ♪ ♪ yeah our first date girl the seasons changed ♪ ♪ it got washed away in the summer rain ♪ ♪ you can't undo a fall like this ♪ ♪ cause love don't know what distance is ♪ ♪ i know it's crazy you guys ready? help me out. ♪ but i don't want good and i
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don't want good enough ♪ ♪ i want can't sleep can't breathe without your love ♪ ♪ front porch and one more kiss it doesn't make sense to anybody else ♪ ♪ who cares if you're all i think about ♪ ♪ i've searched the world and i know now ♪ ♪ it ain't right if you ain't lost your mind ♪ ♪ yeah i don't want easy i want crazy ♪ ♪ are you with me baby ♪ let's be crazy yeah! ♪ i want to be scared don't want to know why ♪ ♪ want to feel good don't have to be right ♪ ♪ the world makes all kinds of rules for love ♪ ♪ i say you got to let it do what it does ♪ ♪ i don't want just another hug and a kiss good night ♪ ♪ catching up calls and a date sometimes ♪ ♪ i love that we're rebels and we still believe ♪ ♪ we're the kind of crazy people
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wish that they could be ♪ ♪ i know we're crazy yeah ♪ but i don't want good and i don't want good enough ♪ ♪ i want can't sleep can't breathe without your love ♪ ♪ front porch and one more kiss ♪ ♪ it doesn't make sense to anybody else ♪ ♪ who cares if you're all i think about ♪ ♪ i've searched the world and i know now it ain't right if you ain't lost your mind ♪ ♪ i don't want easy ♪ i want crazy ♪ you with me, new york city ♪ let's be crazy ♪ i don't want good and i don't want good enough ♪ ♪ i want can't sleep can't breathe without your love ♪
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♪ front porch and one more kiss ♪ ♪ it doesn't make sense to anybody else ♪ ♪ who cares if you're all i think about ♪ ♪ i've searched the world and i know now ♪ ♪ it ain't right if you ain't lost your mind ♪ ♪ i don't want easy ♪ i want crazy ♪ yeah look at us baby ♪ tonight the midnight rules are breaking ♪ ♪ there's no such thing as wild enough. ♪ ♪ and maybe we just think too much ♪ ♪ who needs to play it safe in love ♪ ♪ let's be crazy ♪ who cares if we're crazy ♪ we got to be crazy ♪ i know that we're crazy ♪ so let's be crazy ♪
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>> hunter hayes and he's just getting started. we're back with more music on a friday morning. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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we are back now with more music from four-time grammy nominee hunter hayes. he released his sophomore album in may and it immediately went to the top of the charts. hunter is with us. good morning. good to see you. >> good morning. >> your energy is amazing. just bouncing around. the crowd going crazy. >> that energy is amazing. that's what's amazing right here. >> i believe you are one of four country music artists who had a
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platinum debut in the last five years. >> i didn't know that. freaking me out. >> how's it feel? >> it's phenomenal. it's unbelievable. it's hard to believe, honestly. and then of course reception that you guys have given. god bless you. seriously, thank you. >> you wrote or co-wrote all of the songs on this album. people say sophomore albums, they get nervous. when it was racing through the charts -- >> i only get nervous when people ask me if i'm nervous. >> so are you nervous? >> that was the thing. i said it can't be a follow-up record. it's got to be a new record. you have to give the same amount of energy and cluelessness. walk in clueless of what you're doing and don't try to do anything over. i made every effort not to repeat myself. >> i think the tats are amazing. are they real? >> they're not. they're not real. but they are in celebration of
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something exciting we get to say for the first time today. we're going back out on the road in the fall. we have got a massive show planned for the tattoo your name tour. >> and that's the big announcement. >> you ready to sing another song? >> so ready. >> ladies and gentlemen, hunter hayes. >> let's do it! come on! ♪ ♪ i could love you on that bridge around the sky ♪ ♪ i could swear when you say it to me there's a good chance i could lie ♪ ♪ if it's going to be any night
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it might as well be tonight ♪ ♪ there's this thing you don't know what it does to me ♪ ♪ in the way that you sway, that you talk, that you touch, that you kiss, that you breathe ♪ ♪ look at me girl ♪ you're shaking things up like you wouldn't believe ♪ ♪ crashing my comfort zone setting me free ♪ ♪ who would have thought kind of thing ♪ ♪ your name looks good next to mine ♪ ♪ and i think i'm going to put it on my mind ♪ ♪ you got to do things i never thought i'd do ♪ ♪ your name your name your name would be a good tattoo ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ would be a good tattoo ♪ ink it on my skin, sign me up, make it last against the time ♪ ♪ cause this is more than a
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picture that fades on a first date friday night ♪ ♪ it's unerasable, unmistakable, everybody wants to know ♪ ♪ now i think i know i'll wear it on my sleeve ♪ ♪ i got to let it show ♪ your name your name sounds so good next to mine ♪ ♪ i think, i think i'm going to put it all in my rhymes ♪ ♪ cause with you i'm going to do quite a while things i never thought i would do ♪ ♪ your name your name your name would be a good tattoo ♪ ♪ all my life all i got is this one heart to give ♪ ♪ and all my life all this time i've been searching for this ♪ ♪ oh baby it looks like i found it ♪ ♪ i finally found it ♪ girl, it's you
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♪ your name, your name sounds so good next to mine ♪ ♪ and i think, i think i'm going to put it in all my rhymes ♪ ♪ with you i'm going do quite a few things that i never thought i would do ♪ ♪ your name, your name, your name ♪ ♪ would be a good tattoo ♪ would be a good tattoo yeah ♪ only you ♪ only you ♪ baby, only you ♪ >> hunter hayes, thank you so much. and he'll be back with more music a little later. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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hunter hayes just put on a good show for some young fans here in the crowd. but i think you have a lot of older fans too. willard scott's here to say happy birthday to some of them. let's check it out. >> nothing like a birthday party in the summertime. and that's what we have quite a few today on the show. cicarelli is a wonderful name. julia is a trumbull, connecticut. she has a great sense of humor and she loves to drink grape
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juice. breakfast, lunch, and dinner. laura mallory from lorton, virginia. 104 years old. everybody loves her. how about those apples. this is w.c. bill clark. 100 years old from kress, texas. he taught sunday school for many, many years. john burchfield. he's from wichita, kansas. happy birthday to you, sir. 101. now, if you will please, back to new york city where everybody is always hysterically happy. >> all right, willard. thank you very much. hunter's going to play more music for the crowd. i asked him what crowd, he said i have no idea. >> just going to have fun. >> what do you guys have coming
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up? >> he'll come in and sit down with us. also talking retirement at 60 with roker. >> and the "breaking bad" scavenger hunt. >> i love how you let your fans wrap you up. thank you, a very good friday morning to you. it's 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. berkeley police asking the public to keep an eye out for this woman. cara bentomoro. she was last seen last night. police say the woman in her 70s is living with dementia and she is considered at risk. so keep an eye out. keep an eye on the skies for
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us. meteorologist christina loren, nice weekend ahead. >> beautiful weekend coming your way, all courtesy of onshore flow. as we head throughout the day, we will be dealing with a fair amount of cloud cover through much of the day, in san francisco. 67 degrees as a result. nice and sunny in the south bay, 83 degrees for us and 82 in the north bay. what? you expect me to stay up there all day?
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[ car alarm chirps ] just like you, i love everything the golden state of california has to offer. so i stay golden by managing my energy use. energy upgrade california taught me how.
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learn to manage your energy at from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist, and tamron hall. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. ♪ that's hunter hayes still outside rocking the plaza. he's going to come back inside and talk to us in a few minutes and give you one more song here in our hour. it is a friday morning, august 2 22nd 2014. natalie has the day off. he's good. he draws a big crowd. >> he does. >> and we're going to hear much more from him. >> i love his interaction with his fans. i mean, 99% of people who come out on our plaza and perform,
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they all interact. but he got down on a low level and hugged people and brought them all around. >> look at that. >> adorable. >> meanwhile, we are in e the midst of a baby boom on this show. jenna wolfe announcing she and her partner stephanie gosk are expecting. carson had his baby. savannah. and hoda turned 50, you turned 60. >> tamron has been shopping online. >> people are having babies, i'm reduced to online shopping. you just wait. i'm going to produce my own surprise. >> yeah, the surprise would be you didn't buy anything new. >> no. i was online buying -- hunter inspired me and the girls out there this season they're saying western wear. cowboy boots. even though i'm from texas i only wear one pair. are you doing? >> i'm losing my mic.
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>> wait. you're from texas and you only have one pair? >> only one pair. this season all the rage, ladies and gentlemen, is supposed to be western wear. all those girls have cute cowboy boots. so i was buying a pair. >> i know louboutin made cowboy boots. >> should i get up and leave? >> this is all natural, roker. >> now we see the violence. >> no. >> we were -- could i say we were eight seconds to air when you had your phone. i said are you doing last minute research? you were like, just buying some boots. >> it's take your daughter to work day, take your kid to work day and there's pick on tamron day. where's natalie? she needs to be here. great, now my mom's calling me asking my why i'm shopping. >> should get her a pair of boots too. >> that's right. make it two. >> but beyond those things,
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remarkable news played out yesterday. >> incredible story. >> press conference yesterday, maybe you saw it. dr. kent brantly and nancy writebol have been declared ebola free and discharged from the hospital in atlanta. the cdc says the patients no longer have the ebola in their blood and pose no health risk to the public. writebol released tuesday. yesterday dr. brantly speaking before leaving the hospital. >> today is a miraculous day. i am thrilled to be alive, to be well, and to be reunited with my family. as a medical missionary i never imagined myself in this position. when my family and i moved to liberia last october to begin a two-year term working with samaritan's purse, ebola was not on the radar. through the work in liberia, the
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use of an experimental drug, and expertise and resources of the health care team at emory university hospital, god saved my life. a direct answer to thousands and thousands of prayers. >> wow. as dr. brantly left the hospital, you can see here he hugged every member of his medical team. the people he says saved his life. and earlier this morning matt got a chance to sit down with ms. writebol's sons. jeremy and brian. >> you talked openly and honestly about that image when you saw her mom being carried out of a stretcher from that balance and you said you started sobbing. i think your dad even said at that point he was thinking about maybe planning a funeral. talk to me about what this ride has been like. >> it's been the lowest of lows and at the same time the highest of highs. we've experienced both in thinking about mom's potential death and succumbing to ebola, but then her recovery and being healed in that way has just
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brought our spirits up and really encouraged us. >> the doctors at emory anticipate brantly and writebol will be immune to this strain of ebola. still unclear if the medicine both patients were given helped. but when they went into the hospital three weeks ago and we saw them in those suits and on stretchers, we didn't know. you think it's a death sentence and here they are walking out of the hospital. incredible treatment they received in atlanta. >> dr. brantly said if his illness sheds light on what's happening in west africa, that's important to him. 1300 people have died. 2200 others being treated right now. so there's light he wants people to remember those suffering. >> and then we've got more light and more inspiration. >> al said today has been just if you're on a train and you have train stops, each stop has
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been inspirational on this friday. someone else we've been talking about, six-time gold medal winner amy van dyken-rouen. you recall her spine was severed in june and she was paralyzed. now amy has taken her first steps with help from an exoskeleton. matt has sent time with her and her husband. he said if you're ever going to bet, always bet on aimmy. >> and she said she wanted to walk out of that hospital in august. >> matt mentioned this morning she's going to join us in a couple weeks. going to make her way to new york and join us in the studio. cannot wait to see her. >> such an inspiration. then you've got the other side. so i don't post pictures of my kids at all. i don't do that. here's one of the reasons why,
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kids. so missouri authorities say there is a woman who has been stealing other people's children's photographs, then creating fake facebook pages claiming the photos are her own kids. >> what? >> yes. brandi beckham is one of the victims. she said this woman took photos of her nearly 1-year-old twin daughters. so then the woman then takes the pictures. she changes the twins' names claiming she'd adopted them after the parents died. >> that's horrible. >> oh, no, no, no. >> the worst part of it, police say their hands are tied. while it is incredibly creepy and just disgusting, it's not illegal. for it to be identity theft you've got to steal for financial gain. okay? but deputies went to this woman's home and pressured her to remove the fake sites. she eventually did. case closed.
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>> that's not illegal? >> it's not illegal. >> but you are stealing someone's image and -- >> once you put it up on the internet, it's out there. >> it's for the world now. >> yeah. she didn't get any financial gain out of it. she just did something incredibly creepy. >> but she's impersonating her. so she's pretending to be the parent of -- >> but there's nothing illegal about that. >> if you show up to school and say you're their parents -- >> she didn't. >> i know she didn't. but it's pretending to be the parent of a child that she's not. >> i think it's just weird. it should be illegal. >> it should be illegal. >> it's not illegal though. it's just weird. >> that internet. the wild west as they call it of it the anonymity and some of these things. >> on the one hand you can order boots while you're working, on the other hand you can steal children's pictures. >> and my boots will be made for walking. thank you, nancy.
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>> what was that wink at the end? i was expecting to hear a little -- and then smile. >> cowgirls and cowboys when you finish your sentence, ding. >> let's go to baseball. >> check this out. yesterday's yankees/astros game. in the stadium, the great chris rock. let's see what happens. got a pop up. okay. picks up the ball. foul ball. yeah. >> he picked it up. >> so that's the move, chris. yeah. shares the ball. gives the ball to a young fan. >> that is nice. >> does the right thing there. >> he is crack-a-lacking. >> wait. what happened? >> no, he didn't catch it, did he? there was a slow mo apparently. >> no, he didn't catch it. >> look at him.
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he picked it up and gave it to the kid. >> he did the duck and cover. >> he had something in mississippi hand. >> something else we're excited about, we partnered up with "usa today" again for this time who's going to take home the emmy. we put in our selections a few weeks ago. the emmys are august 25th. hosting is seth meyers. we have our picks right? >> we're going to talk about those on monday. >> going to be in l.a. on monday. got an exclusive interview with seth meyers. >> aren't you fancy. >> and carson daly is joining me on tuesday. >> what are you wearing? who are you wearing? >> i'm not wearing a person. this isn't, like, you know, "silence of the lambs." >> thank you for going dark. they ask on the red carpet who are you wearing. >> i will most likely go -- with
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these picks we want you to play too. and the winner will get a pair of boots from tamron. >> no, the winner, you get to come in my closet and pick out one thing. [ whistling ] my closet is clean and organized. what's wrong with my closet? come on. you want to come to my closet, don't you? >> let's look right now, shall we? we've had a lot of heavy thunderstorms making their way from iowa all the way into ohio. chicago, a lot of trouble there. they've had mass iflooding. some areas picking up 6 inches of rain in just about two hours. so big problems there. airport was closed for awhile. roads to some of the airports, i should say, were closed. a big mess. and the other part of this besidess riding up over this ring of fire, we've also got this brutally hot weather again that's going to be lasting
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all weekend. today it's going to feel like 108 in st. louis. they have excessive heat warnings there. in atlanta, 99. tallahassee 106. saturday more of the same. 100 degrees in louisville. on sunday the heat continues. new orleans feeling like 104. 99 in kansas that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. thank you, al. you know what, we're not even talking about the 90s for today. and for most of the weekend, we're going to continue to get spoiled. all courtesy of an area of low pressure. it's way to our north, but it's driving in a strong onshore flow, and as a result, temperatures are going to be right about at average for this time of year or even a touch below. 83 degrees in the south bay. 67 degrees today in san francisco. holding really steady, even as we get into that weekend. and then as we head between sunday and monday, you will notice, more humidity in our atmosphere. >> and that's your latest
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weather. >> thanks a lot. coming up next, he turned on the country charm for his screaming fans on the plaza. now hunter hayes has stepped inside to talk to us. we'll catch up with him right after this. my hygienist told me that less tartar means less scraping. so i'm going pro. [ male announcer ] new crest tartar protection rinse. the only rinse that helps prevent tartar build-up and cavities. a little swishing. less scraping. yes! [ male announcer ] new crest pro-health tartar protection rinse.
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it helps you escape the scrape. tartar protection rinse. sublime softness.mination. experience the luxury of oleo therapy. from l'oreal's #1 sulfate-free haircare. deep nutrition. oil from a unique blend of 6 botanicals. the end of dryness. l'oreal's oleo therapy. and then there's juicy chicken. the difference is best foods. best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. you can make dinner disappear. best foods. bring out the best.
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you can make dinner disappear. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. can yomom usually throws o that? a gogurt in there. well mom's not here today so we're doing things dad's way. which means i get... two. (singing) snack time and lunch. (singing) snack time and lunch. gogurt because lunch needs some fun. we think they're the best-fitting pants in fashion. with technology that slims and shapes and five-pocket styling. they'll be the star of your wardrobe. chico's so slimming peyton pants. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and
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i heard you have a tough clog. i only have ten minutes. i only need 7. liquid plumr urgent clear penetrates the toughest clogs with two fast acting gels in only 7 minutes guaranteed baby. hey, let's go inside and take a look inside tamron's closet, ladies and gentlemen. >> let's see. >> whoa. very nice. >> yeah, see. so when i offer a viewer a chance to come in my closet, that's your chance. >> you know what happens when you stand there? it closes and you're spiked to death. >> by a stiletto. >> hunter hayes is here and wonder why after the last few minutes. hunter is a four-time grammy nominee. he is the youngest male ever to top the billboard hot country
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charts. >> on top of that, he sold 1.5 million copies off his sophomore album as soon as it debuted. >> and hi kicked off his tour on our summer stage. >> thanks for letting me finally sit down and chat with you guys. >> 22 years old. you have done all this already. i mean, are you still pinching yourself in this wild ride and you're just getting warmed up. >> thank you for that. yeah, no. definitely still kind of in a bit of disbelief. you know? the whole surreal thing. it's absolutely true. honest to god, it's like you do -- i always say i don't necessarily wake up in the morning expecting anything necessarily. because you never know. you just go to bed praying that maybe tomorrow you can wake up and do it again. because it is beautiful and it is fantastic and we have the best fans in the world. we've been having fun on the tour. it keeps getting better. just when you think it can't get better, it does. >> i love you say "we."
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you include your band. i love that about you. >> i appreciate that. it is a team. i'm just a guy that makes a bunch of noise in the front area. >> noise that everyone loves. >> you know, you make a lot of different noise. because you play 31 different instruments. quick name them all. no. >> yeah. >> you're like the baskin robbins of instruments. >> i'm totally going to use that. >> you've got an accordion at the age of 2. is that the first instrument? >> yes. then it was drums. and my folks, bless them, the only rule they had was i could only play drums until the sun went down. >> good for them and the neighbors. >> they didn't wear ear plugs, but i had to. that's love. >> that gives you versatility on stage too. you can do whatever you want basically. >> yeah. we've actually been having fun with a drum line moment that we're going to make even more out of control in the fall. but, yeah. but the thing is about the show, it's not really -- i mean, you
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know, you got to kind of focus back in on the music. you just sing with the fans. you play whatever. play guitar, whatever. and the guitar is my home anyway. i don't profess to be a professional musician on any of these instruments. >> are you kidding? >> really. >> what? >> but i appreciate that. that's kind of you. >> i'm like what are you talking about? you brought a new guitar. i asked him about it. it's beautiful. but i'll cut to the chase. the girls out there asked me to ask you. >> okay. >> so, the hair. what's the secret. >> the hair? i did not see that coming. >> nobody ever does. >> there are ten things i prepared myself for when you started that way. i have no idea. i had a lot of help today. normally i have about five minutes and it's just about a can of hair spray. >> like al roker. >> you might want to start cutting back because i did that for about three years. >> all right. note taken. >> i understand you like
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weather. >> i do, yes. >> would you like to do weather with us later on? >> yes, i would actually. when i was a kid, one of my favorite things was pretending i was you essentially. i was pretending i was a weather man. >> well, cool. okay. hunter hayes, thank you so much. so he's going to pretend to be me. he's going to pretend to be a bald old black man. and you've got one more song coming up later. >> indeed. >> up next, you've got all the news we need. >> i think i do. someone does around here. okay. it's me. coming up, when you punch your ticket to hollywood. and hunter is doing the weather. so don't leave. what? curing a yeast infection can take days.
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relieving the itch.... can happen instantly. vagisil max strength anti-itch wipes relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse. so why wait to feel comfortable?
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trust vagisil. the number one wipe for itch. it's this new paint. nothing stays on the wall. not any of these things. valspar reserve super stain resistant. and scrubbable. and this color! still perfect! introducing valspar® reserve™ paint + primer with hydrochroma™ technology. exclusively at lowe's. hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection? sure, we help with fraud protection. if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible. you are saying "frog protection"? fraud. fro-g. frau-d. i think we're on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. fraud protection. get it at ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tempted ♪ ♪ by the chocolate all around ♪ turn around brian! ♪ this bar has protein oh yeah!♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one. they like to put a.1. on pork but not beans. they also like to sit on the same side of the booth. you don't have to like everything the mctaggarts like. put a.1. on whatever you want.
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a.1. for almost everything. almost. the simple grains of rice krispies®. oooo! good. they're made with rice. they're popping! a gentle grain that's easy for little tummies to digest and fun to eat. kellogg's rice krispies®. look what i got with walmart's low prices. these are for the parent teacher conference. nice these are for when the kids do something good, i get that. and these are for when i want to come off totally laid-back. totally. with frames starting at $38, you don't have to choose just one. walmart. taking a look at the headlines. you've heard for years that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. crucial for weight loss and good health. but two new studies are casting doubt on those claims. both studies assigned volunteers to either eat or to skip breakfast. the first revealing that eating breakfast had little effect on weight loss.
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and the second study researchers said they found no real change when it came to cholesterol and blood sugar levels. they need to do more research on this one, they said. sam's club is recalling some chicken caesar salad kits. officials in michigan say two samples of cooked chicken from those kits tested positive for listeria contamination. however, no reported illnesses tied to this problem so far. some new research suggests parents' work schedules may influence their children's weight. the study found when parents were home before and after school, their kids were more likely to eat breakfast and to have healthier dinners. when fathers were at home, the children ate more fruit. you've probably seen dozens of freeway chases in l.a. this one is different than others. traffic was snarled for miles because of a wayward dog. you can imagine the choppers in the air chasing this one. drivers and motorcyclists worked
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together to corral the dog. drivers and motorcyclists worked together to corral the dog. but it was that's why there's a listerine® product for every mouth. one to clean your whole mouth. one for those hard to reach places. one to protect kids mouths from cavities. even one to freshen breath on-the-go. with over 100 years of innovation in oral care... there's a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. for cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. listerine®. power to your mouth ™. losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. and then there's juicy chicken. the difference is best foods. best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken
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so juicy and so delicious. you can make dinner disappear. best foods. bring out the best. good friday morning to you. it's 9:26. i'm sam brock. the family of a san francisco man shot and killed by police officers earlier this year is now suing the city. this morning, alex neyero's family held a remembrance family. police say that he pointed a taser at officers, who mistook it for a real gun. this afternoon, his family will march across san francisco and hold a rally at the federal building, where they will follow a lawsuit against the city. this has been a significant development in a deadly san jose hit-and-run. police say they have arrested christopher ochikuya. the police happened last weekend
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in south san jose. he wast nguyen was riding his bike when he was struck by a car and later died at a hospital. some community colleges in california are one step closer to offering four-year degrees. a new measure is heading to the governor's desk, allowing 15 to offer bachelor's degrees. we'll have more weather and traffic coming up right after the break.
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welcome back now. the time is 9:28. full deck of clouds out there, all courtesy of an area of low pressure, well to the north of the bay area, but it's driving in that beautiful onshore flow that keeps us nice and comfortable here this time of year. you'll see, though, at this point, those clouds are burning off quickly, a little bit of cloud cover leftover here in emeryville, and it's fading fast in san francisco, shaping up for a gorgeous day outside. 82 degrees in the south bay, the peninsula is at 79. 76 degrees on the east shore and 66 in san francisco. if you've been enjoying this beautiful stretch, more of the same as we get into that
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all-important weekend. here's mike and your drive. >> still slow through oakland. that's the headline. we'll get to it, but let's show you the entire bay starting in the south bay. compared to yesterday, extremely clear. we have a slower drive, north 87 past kurtner. and 101 still slow past the airport. that's typical. the slower drive is past the coliseum, from the coliseum up to downtown. the earlier crash about an hour ago caused the big backups to form. 580 westbound is clear by comparison. you can choose that. it's a little slow there. no big deal headed towards the bay bridge. the toll plaza itself has a backup for all lanes, cash and fastrak alive. >> all right. hope you get where you need to go for this weekend. we'll see you in a 25 minutes.
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♪ they love hunter hayes out here. he's coming back in a few more minutes for another song. welcome back to "today." i'm willie along with al and tamron. natalie has the day off. and hunter hayes is back with us. dreams coming true today? >> this is kind of a big deal. this is my big break. >> guest anchor/meteorologist. >> ready to do the weather? >> show him how it's done. >> we walk just across here to the big monitor. just kind of saunter. you just walk jolly. >> kind of cool. i can't whistle. >> you can't whistle? >> no. >> you can play 31 instruments. >> there's a lot of important
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things here. >> we're looking to people's weekend. so we're starting off with saturday. are you doing any travel this weekend? >> we are doing a good bit of travel. all up in this area. just around the corner actually tomorrow. >> up here we've got some strong storms. >> very bad storms. it is very hot. i can tell you that. >> would you like to advance to sunday? >> i think we should. boom. look at that. >> rotate things a little bit. hit it one time. >> ki get one of these? >> absolutely. would you put this in your bus and do weather? >> absolutely. i'd tell the band where we're going. sunday things cooling down just a little bit. staying hot apparently in nashville which i'm looking forward to because i'll be sweating all day. but anyway, there you go. >> and when you say sunday here, you have to say it like this. especially if you're going to the motor speedway. sunday sunday! >> sunday!
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>> sunday! >> sunday! >> sunday! and the other thing you say is that's what's going o very nice, hunter. good morning to you. we've got a good-looking day shaping up. all these low clouds continue to hug the coastline. area of low pressure dragging in that strong onshore flow. and for us, it's going to make way to a gorgeous day. burned off all those clouds already in sunol. starting to see that burn off really take shape here in san francisco. we're expecting tupper 60s for today. meanwhile, we'll hit the low 80s in the south bay, the peninsula, upper 70s, and low 80s for you in wine country. getting into the next couple of days, temperatures stay steady for saturday and sunday. >> hunter hayes, thank you so much. i hope you had a great time. >> no, thank you. i appreciate it. >> very good, my friend. >> he's heading back out to the stage. meanwhile, johnny depp is hitting the big screen with his daughter, and there's an epic pre-emmy scavenger hunt. >> here with your ticket to
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hollywood, editor in chief to showbiz willie mentioned star power. johnny depp and his 15-year-old daughter lilly rose teaming up? >> yes. it's very reminiscent of angelina jolie and her daughter working in "maleficent" this year. her name is lilly rose melody depp. it's about these two girls who are store convenience clerks and they have to duke it out with johnny depp's character called guy lapointe. you know it's going to be funny. >> wow. >> talk about star power. big news on broadway. emma stone making her debut as sally bowls in "cabaret." >> yes. she'll be stepping in for
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michelle williams in november. but she's been doing movies. earlier this year she did amazing spider-man number 2. she'll be stepping into the role of sally bowls. and this a revival. it's going to be daunting task for her to go from the big screen to the theater. that's a little difficult. >> didn't know she sang. >> yeah. >> let's move to the photo of the week. aaron paul from "breaking bad." talking about a pre-emmy sa scavenger hunt. what's going on there? >> he has a great relationship with his fans. on instagram this week he posted this scavenger hunt in l.a. happening monday in the morning. this is something that he usually does with his fans all the time. the show's nominated for 16 overall emmys. he's going for his third emmy chance on this one. after this no more "breaking
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bad." >> didn't aaron do the weather with you? >> he did. >> and hunter hayes. an elite club. the tweet of the week from ellen degeneres celebrating her sixth an verseniversary anniversary. >> amidst all the divorce rue moth mors. they celebrated their sixth anniversary. and porsche gifted her with this message in the sky. it says sex. just looking at the picture and the photo, that looks like the happiest couple. i don't see divorce anywhere there. so best of luck to them. in the next couple years. >> amen to them. >> brad pitt heading back to the big screen with a film called "fury". let's take a look. >> i promised my crew i'd keep them alive. >> where's the rest of the men? >> we're it. >> i'm your new assistant
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driver. >> tank school? that's home. deals are peaceful. history's violent. >> it's a world war ii film. what can you tell us about it? >> it comes out on october 17th. brad pitt, shia labeouf in the film. it's basically about six men in one tank who are going to try to do the impossible and overcome the nazi germany during world war ii. assessing the whole thing, it comes out in october, great cast, and it's a period piece on world war ii. i think it has oscar best pic all over it. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it. up next, why seniors are doing more than just hitting the golf course. and advice if you're planning on non-retirement retirement after this. he's not going anywhere. from safety... to fuel economy... to quality... today's chevrolet has it all. and the time to buy is now.
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it's the chevy labor day sale! and 0% financing for 72 months is back! plus, no monthly payments for 90 days. 0% financing for 72 months plus no monthly payments for 90 days on most 2014 vehicles. the chevy labor day sale going on now. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. it's this new paint. nothing stays on the wall. not any of these things. valspar reserve super stain resistant. and scrubbable. and this color! still perfect! introducing valspar® reserve™ paint + primer with hydrochroma™ technology. exclusively at lowe's. mmmmmmm. look out. now there's even more of the amazing cinnamon taste you love on cinnamon toast crunch.
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crave those crazy squares even more. keep t♪e change. at famous footwear we're not just selling back to school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. we've done our homework to find the hottest shoes to send your kids back in style. like our exclusive shimmer print converse high-tops. anybody sitting here? only at famous footwear. famous footwear. victory is yours. he likes to put a.1. on burgers but not veggie kebabs. he also likes "that's what she said" jokes. martin: that's what she said! vo: you don't have to like everything martin likes. put a.1. on whatever you want.
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a.1. for almost everything. almost. now pre-treat with clorox 2... at clorox 2, we've turned removing stains into a science. watch stains disappear right before your eyes. nothing brightens colors and removes stains like clorox 2. ...and i'm beth... ...and we raced around the world on a reality show. so when we heard walmart's clothes were better than ever, we had to put 'em to the test. and these clothes are really keeping up with us. discover the look of quality backed by our satisfaction guarantee. walmart. acidity was in my diet...much that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. please choose one based oh, no,on the cover.en that. here we go... whoa, no test rides allowed.
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i can't show you the inside, but trust me. are you kidding me... at university of phoenix, we think you should be able to try before you buy. that's why we offer students new to college a risk-free period. so you commit to your education with confidence. get started at whose bad breath could make a kitten cry? don't let it be you. one swish of scope kills millions of bad breath germs freshening your breath. so you can be the guy whose breath doesn't make kittens cry. [ meows ] scope. the freshest fresh, guaranteed.
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as we wrap up our look at how 60 rocks with roker, it comes at no surprise that -- i love that title. really? i love it. and we know that al is not slowing down any time soon. take a look at what he thinks about working if you don't already know. >> my dad retired at 55. and the reason he retired was he bunt enjoying what he was doing anymore. i love what i do. all of us who work in this business and particularly on this program have one of the greatest jobs going. and if you enjoy what you do and you can physically do it, i feel
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i'm better at it today than i was ten years ago. so why would i retire unless somebody forcibly says get out of here. >> i got to get mo'ne davis to show me how to throw. that was pathetic. >> al has no plans to retire. but if you are, we have some advice. author of "unretirement: how baby boomers are changing the way we think about work, community, and the good life," and co-author of "the couple's retirement puzzle." good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> average retirement age is 62 which for me is only two years ago away. wh what if you don't want to go? >> more and more people don't want to. but they're going to shift from the for-profit sector to the
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no not-profit sector. find something that makes them feel engaged. they're still earning an income so that helps pay the bills. work is a social institution. we're all laughing here. we know each other. you're colleagues. so more and more people are, quote, unquote, retiring into another job. >> and 62 these days feels awfully young. you've got 30, 35 years of life left. >> that's a very long time. and i actually agree what what he has been saying. more and more people are really redefining retirement. it's the word we use because it's the word people know. but people don't want to retire from life. now people are really thinking about how do i want to live my life so it's fulfilling, so it's rocking like what you're saying. some people come to a retirement coach because they're beginning to think about what's next. and it involves the work, but
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it's what's next in terms of connections and engaging and how do i maybe work in a different way, how do i volunteer. but how do i live fulfilling. so it is a good bonus years. >> the one key piece of advice you can give to the people watching? >> mine would be conversation. you're not alone in this. there are lots of people trying to figure this out. so talk to your network, your colleagues, your friends, people you know. there's a lot of grassroots efforts. >> thank you so much. and coming up next, he came from music city to perform for and coming up next, he came from music city to perform for our crowd here in the big so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring.
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am i right? [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox."
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. . . . m . . . healthy whitetm. it not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. lose the nerves, and get a healthier, whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy whitetm. power to your mouthtm! new preference mousse absolue. reusable haircolor.
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one push automatically mixes pure color dyes. easy to apply, to retouch roots, or use again. for luminous color. brilliant shine. new preference mousse absolue by l'oréal. the simple grains of rice krispies®. oooo! good. they're made with rice. they're popping! a gentle grain that's easy for little tummies to digest and fun to eat. kellogg's rice krispies®.
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>> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> he's been performs since he was 4 years old and at 22 hunter hayes is one of the hottest country acts in the business. >> that's right. he released his second album this year featuring his hit song "invisible." >> and he's singing it for us. here now, hunter hayes. ♪
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♪ crowded hallways are the loneliest places ♪ ♪ for outcasts and rebels or anyone who just dares to be different ♪ ♪ and you've been trying for so long to find out where your place is ♪ ♪ but in narrow minds there's no room for anyone who dares to do something different ♪ ♪ oh but listen for a minute ♪ and trust the one ♪ who's been where you are wishing all it was ♪ ♪ was sticks and stones ♪ those words cut deep but they don't mean you're all alone ♪ ♪ and you're not invisible
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♪ hear me out ♪ there's so much more to life than what you're feeling now ♪ ♪ some day you'll look back on all these days and all this pain is going to invisible ♪ ♪ so your confidence is quiet ♪ to them quiet looks like weakness ♪ ♪ but you don't have to fight it because you're strong enough to win without war ♪ ♪ don't ever be afraid of doing something different ♪ ♪ dare to be something more ♪ trust the one who's been where you are wishing all it was was
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sticks and stones ♪ ♪ yeah the words cut deep but they don't mean you're all alone ♪ ♪ and you're not invisible ♪ hear me out ♪ there's so much more to this life than what you're feeling now ♪ ♪ and some day you'll look back on all these days and all this pain is going to be invisible ♪ ♪ these labels that they give you just because they don't understand ♪ ♪ if you look past this moment ♪ you'll see you've got a friend ♪ ♪ waving a flag for who you are and all you're going to do ♪ ♪ yeah so here's to you ♪ and here's to anyone who's ever felt invisible ♪
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♪ you're not invisible ♪ hear me out ♪ there's so much more to life than what you're feeling now ♪ ♪ yeah and some day you'll look back on all these days and all this pain is going to be invisible ♪ >> hunter hayes giving the crowd a great show all morning on the plaza. thank you, hunter. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ ♪ ♪
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we've got a preview of what's coming up on weekend "today." >> good morning. >> good to see you. >> you always make me smile in the morning. >> thank you. >> we're excited about this week. i'm excited to fill in. we've got six months have gone by since we made over a couple
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of small businesses. we're going to check back in and see how they're doing. a toy store in indiana. and then we have a food truck called biscuit love food truck that is literally spreading the love by expanding their business. the food, i'm told, is absolutely amazing. we are also going to shine a light on the city of baltimore where there is one store that's in the middle of what has been called a war zone. and it's going to get its own sort of makeover. and in terms of impacting the community in a positive light. all the headlines and you've got this eager beaver who can't wait to fill in. >> oh. >> was that energetic? >> she's actually going to build a dam.
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and a good friday morning. the it's 9:56. i'm sam brock. field crews at the 49ers' new billion-dollar stadium are hard at work this morning, putting in new turf. our chopper captured this video of crews laying down the new sod, which we'll show you right
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now. just yesterday, they dug up most of that grass. it got chewed up during last sunday's pre-season game. and it's a major injury risk for the players. a source within the city of santa clara tells us the grass is not actually the problem, it's the sand underneath it. whatever the case, the clock is definitely ticking for this team. the 49ers are scheduled to host the chargers this is under afternoon in a pre-season game and everything needs to be good to go. the group, friends of the berkeley twhalmy camp will hold a special event tonight. nearly 75% of the camp was burned down by that fire. tonight's nonprofit group will hold a sing-along in berkeley and that starts at 5:30. we have finally made it. yes, it is friday. you can shake yourself and feel good about it. and anthony, you probably have some good news to let us know about. >> it's going to be a beautiful weekend. sunshine across most of the board, but i want to bring your attention to the coastal areas. we have a trough digging in across the pacific, and that's going to keep the fog with us,
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at least for another couple of days. if you live in places like san francisco, not overly sunny, but you can see right now, we are starting to clear out from that fog, but it's going to be with us up against the coastline through most of the day. highs today will be comfortable, even though we'll be looking at that fog in san francisco. 56 there. meanwhile, 70s and 80s for our inland valleys. let's check that drive. here's mike. >> anthony, we had a crash, northbound 101 coming up into this shot. i was looking for any sign of delay, but it cleared. everything cleared. no injuries reported. that's good news and an easy drive. take some other live looks. san mateo bridge had a crash approaching the toll plaza. that has cleared to the shoulder. a lighter flow there. 880 from the area, smooth through oakland. sam, back to you. >> open roads, a good sign for many of you. see you in 25 minutes.
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from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. we are going to do something we haven't done before, a whole ow on before and after. >> we are trying to address all kinds of elements in your life, before and after. how you were before you were dating your now husband and how life has changed since you said you do. >> depending on how many years you do. and how to dress ten years thinner. i say stay home. how to makeover the room in your home. how to makeover your living room
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and your kitchen. >> we are finally going to teach people something on your program and how to dress up your dinner. bobbie will show you how to get the best fake tan. a lot of people don't like to be out in the sun. >> you don't understand people like that, do you? >> i don't get them and i don't like them. i think since we haven't had much sun this is appropriate. >> this is interesting. is reporting -- this is not a surprise to me. men in my house and it seems like maybe it is the same here. men find women more attractive with less makeup on. >> they don't like all the shellacking. this is scientific it came from universities. >> how did they get together? >> i don't know but they photographed women with lots of makeup and some with little and asked them what they liked. the guys liked less.
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when there is just such heavy, your eyes are heavy. everything smears and then late at night. you ever gone to the bathroom you are all dressed up and you think you look hot and you go to the bathroom and you look at yourself and you can't believe it. i get the black raccoon eyes. and nobody bothers to tell you. >> somebody here, we have tested all of these different guys -- >> we have a lot of guys here. >> everybody has an opinion here. >> i have a theory about this. >> what is your theory? >> sometimes the man is waiting so long for the woman to get ready because she is putting on all of the makeup you are so mad when you get in the car you don't look at her anyway. >> has that ever happened to you? >> no. it never has. >> how many of our guys agree? >> thank you. >> i get ready faster. we can't blame it on that.
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>> i think just the look a little bit goolish. >> are we putting on that makeup for other women? >> probably. probably. by the way, mainly because when you go to a party and you really dress well or look really hot and your husband doesn't notice or doesn't say anything you know your girlfriends will say i love that dress. and then you feel like at least somebody is noticing if he is not going to notice. >> that is kind of sad. our confidence is all about that. we have a solution for it. >> this is crazy. you heard about all of the plastic surgeries, nose job, chemical peel, anything. now they are doing something different. they are putting in dimples in people. >> it is called dimpleplasty. >> people are getting dimples put into their places. mostly requests by people who
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have round faces. >> kate middleton and jennifer garner. >> they got them naturally and it looks adorable. it starts at $1,200. i don't know if it is for two or one. you sort of want it symmetrical. >> they make an incision inside the cheek. there is no scar, just a couple of stitches. apparently as your skin sags over as life goes on your dimple will droop with it. and it is not reversible. so that's it. >> what happens if the stitch pops and there goes your dimple. like when a tooth falls out. every time we go to london one of frank's teeth falls out. we don't go to london anymore and he is fine. i don't know what happens. >> one time i had to do this
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interview. and this guy was interviewing and missing his front together. the guy was going to be on date line for the whole hour. we were like my god. he trained himself so long he talked with his lower lip. that was his normal conversation. i was going to get a get chicklet and fix it up. >> i never know what to say to somebody. a friend of mine is working with me on a project. i don't want to say too much about it. showed up at the house and completely missing one of his middle teeth in the front. you don't know what to say. it turns out it is not a happy story. he was waiting -- i love this guy. he is fantastic. you know him, hoda. he is a big cyclist. he had an accident -- >> and his tooth fell out. >> it takes time to get a tooth
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made like that. it is a big to do. i'm going to see him today. i hope his tooth is in. >> tell him to get a temporary. >> those hurt. he has a temporary but they hurt. you heard of the selfie. now there is something called the shelfy. it is a social media trend. it is a photo of one's possessions arrayed on a surface. here is what our producers said they were going to surprise us in our dressing room and take a shelfy. >> like some people do of their book cases. >> this is kathie's. i'm sure it is probably nice and perfect. whatever, okay. i like it. >> it's kind of messy for me. usually i like my shoes the
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right direction. so she has everything. >> one way. >> you can make more room that way. >> must have been a very busy day. >> a picture of my shelfie. anyway -- one more thing about look at me. >> you know what it's time for? >> what? >> "friday funny." [ laughter ] >> we're ready. >> i missed it. two guys are hiking in the forest when they come across a big grisly bear. one of the guys immediately stops and takes off his hiking boots and pulls out his running shoes out of his backpack. he starts to put them on and his friend says dude, are you crazy, why are you doing that? the guy begins to tie the laces. there is no use. you are wasting your time. do you know how fast those
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grizzlies are? you are never going to be able to outrun it. the friend finishes up and says i only had to outrun you. >> a new single coming out called good kisser. and he has a message for us about it. let's take a look. >> kathie lee and hoda this is a sneak peek of my new video "good kisser." the shirtless shot i was thinking of you. drink to that. >> we are going to show you "good kisser" later on in the show. that is a tease. >> his new album to come out this fall. the skinny on how to dress up to ten pounds lighter. how does marriage change your relationship? before and after you say i do coming up right after this. [ man ] i think this is a good time to tell you: you're doing okay, mom. i can call you "mom," right?
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i know we haven't known each other very long, but you seem like a real keeper. you're not perfect. but you're trying. anyway, i want you to know how much i appreciate you. you know, right? how much i love you. you're doing okay, mom. how much i love you. what do you guys want for dinner? hot pockets! chef boyardee! bacon mac n' cheese. done, done and done. ♪ ♪ now that was amazing. all in a days work! (laughs) get a smarter start to school with all your dinner favorites like hot pockets, chef boyardi and jimmy dean. unbeatable prices guaranteed by savings catcher. save money. live better. walmart. ♪ [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around.
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use clorox disinfecting products. you handle life; clorox handles the germs. ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tempted ♪ ♪ by the chocolate all around ♪ turn around brian! ♪ this bar has protein oh yeah!♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one. once there was a girl who never even in her laundry room... with downy unstopables, she matched her one-of-a-kind style
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with one-of-a-kind scents. downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. wash in the wow. cereal and milk ♪ ♪ milk and cereal ♪ cereal and milk delicious kellogg's® cereal and milk. it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. kellogg's. see you at breakfast. ♪ new preference mousse absolue by l'oréal.ircolor. in just one push, l'oréal's pure color dyes and powerful color developers mix automatically for a foam that's as easy to apply as shampoo. incredibly luminous permanent color with stunning undertones. mousse absolue. grays gone. brilliant shine. use it again to retouch roots or apply a second time. new preference mousse absolue by l'oréal. absolute color in just one push. we're worth it!
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you remember your wedding day. do you still feel the way about yourself as that day. a wedding went back to see. >> it is all captured in the hbo documentary "112 weddings" premiering this june. >> may our home be filled with love and laughter, patience. >> what did you think marriage
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was going to be? >> we have two children now. i tell you, i'm delighted the way it turned out. >> what a brilliant concept. >> how do you make the feelings last that long? creator of the neuman method. >> thank you. >> we have a prince charming syndrome in our culture that we start with little girls from day one reading the fairytales and they live happily ever after. >> we are not doing them a service by letting them believe that is true. >> one of the first things scientific because research shows that you know that loving
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infatuation, that newness we love? it lasts about two years. by the time you get married you have known each other about two years so that starts to go away. >> so you are actually pushing it at six months to a year. what happens is a relationship in the beginning is exciting and new. it is like wow. >> that's the worse. >> and then you get bored. after a year you understand you are not bored, you are just comfortable. >> that the good? >> that is good. do you like comfortable shoes? think of a relationship like a car. if you don't put gas in the car what happens? >> you also want a new pair of shoes once in a while. >> you want your slippers. we can't get a new husband and new wife. >> some people do. >> you have to create new stories for you as a couple. it's the new music, the new friends, new intimacy. you can't get to the 50 or 60
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year mark doing the same old thing. you have to do is anticipation. before you get married you are anticipating the first date, the phone call, the wedding. we now know that anticipation makes you happier than the event you are anticipating. you like fridays more than the weekends. get back to anticipating. talk about what is coming up. >> get rid of unrealistic expectations. it is good not to be with your spouse every day. i'm not with my husband every day. i take two days for me. i find that my husband misses me. where are you? >> he doesn't think you are having an affair? >> he misses me. he knows where i am. i am at an event or function or girls night. >> if one part of the couple wants new experiences and the other wants the same old thing? >> we are not supposed to recognize ourselves years from
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now. the reason we get married is learning a new perspective outside of ourselves. for all those people who say i let her go i don't mind big mistake. we get married because we are trying to learn about the world from someone else. go with that spouse and do new things. >> if you don't you end up in divorce court. it takes two to tango. if one wants to sit on the couch while the other says let's go to the park, that person has to get off the couch or you end up in divorce court. >> we like you two. >> nice. thank you. a questionnaire about how your relationship is going. we have more before and afters including easy updates to make in every room of your house. >> bobbie bears all. a woman who loves to share her passions. grandma!
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mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts her at a greater risk of stroke. rome? sure! before xarelto®, mary took warfarin, which required monthly trips to get her blood tested. but that's history. back to the museum? not this time! now that her doctor switched her to once-a-day xarelto®, mary can leave those monthly trips behind. domestic flight? not today! like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so mary is free of that monitoring routine. for patients currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. spinach? grazie! plus, with no known dietary restrictions, mary can eat the healthy foods she likes. don't stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban,
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unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding, and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. switching to xarelto® was the right move for mary. ask your doctor about once-a-day xarelto®. no regular blood monitoring; no known dietary restrictions. for information and savings options download the xarelto® patient center app, call 1-888-xarelto, or visit
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there's nothing like leaving home feeling attractive. challenge! but too many times i feel bloated, gassy, uncomfortable with gurgling. nothing seems to feel right! and yet another pile of clothes on my bed. so i'm taking the activia challenge. eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. when your tummy smiles, things just feel right! join me and take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ dannon!
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it is time for "bobbie's buzz." >> it's time to show some skin. everything you need to know from taking your skin from winter before. >> lots to get through. i know you are sort of afraid. i want you to trust me. so many people at home -- >> i have rarely seen a fake tan that i thought looks great.
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>> here is what you need to do. shave and make sure you put up exfoliating gloves. dry areas will absorb more of the product. >> scrub yourself all the way. >> use that around your cuticles, elbows or toes because that will help be a barrier. add lotion to your hands and feet because that will help. >> this is all before you start. remember vaseline is going to fully block the product and lotion gives a little block so it will blend through. >> on your elbows where it is crinkly. >> when it comes to products these are my picks. they are online. if the products are clear it is dha. that is what turns your skin into a color. but a lot of other products put color in it which is a dye. and that sits on your skin.
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it dyes the top and that gives you a boost. you have to understand that. if you want a product to do both and look immediately dark you want the combo. you want a gradual overnight you want the clear. it is not that hard. if you are going to use this they give you this. thihelps to smooth it on. >> you put the product on it. >> they also offer -- >> how do you get the places you can't reach? >> you either have a friend or you do like yoga. this is helpful to get further on the back. >> you know what i'm saying. >> so then they also offer the wash off which has no dha. this will come off. i have that on my skin. if you wipe it off it will wash
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off. then you also want to invest in products if you don't want to do the mitt, wipes. these wipes will wipe on and blend off. and then jurgens natural glow. there are a lot of products. what you really want to know is get the three days to glow. this is like a 50% strength. it is not a full blast and not light. >> a white one and a brown one. you want to think of this glow product like half lotion. and then you can find other tips. coming up next -- >> we show yo ahow to dress to look ten pounds thinner.
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what's happened to snacking? how did it become absent-mindedly eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. ♪ the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. when you find the one... you just know. almay smart shade makeup made it easy with just three skintone-adjusting shades to choose from... not hundreds. almay tonemimic technology intuitively transforms to your skintone. it's my one... and only. almay. band-aid brand comfort these ksheer bandages.out new our most stretchable sheer bandage ever. watch this! 50% more stretchable than an ordinary sheer bandage.
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so they fit snug and stretch to protect even tough spots like elbows, knees, and knuckles, from dirt and germs. they bend and stretch as much as kids do. ♪ i am stuck on band-aid brand, ♪ ♪ 'cause band-aid stretches with me! ♪ new band-aid brand comfort sheer bandages. use with neosporin antibiotic.
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and a good friday morning. it's 10:26. i'm sam brock. the family of a san francisco man shot cand killed by police officers earlier this year is now suing the city. this morning, alex nieto's family held a remembrance ceremony at the park where he
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was shot last month. police say nieto pointed a taser at officers who mistook it for a real gun. nieto's family claims police used excessive force. this afternoon, nieto's family will march across san francisco and hold a rally at the federal building, where they will file a lawsuit against the city. we'll have a look at your weather and your traffic on this friday, coming up right after break.
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welcome back. 10:28, the time right now. you know, we are tracking some tropical moisture for the weekend. keep that in mind. so sunday it's going to be a
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little more humid as this thing starts to move in. but we have a trough digging right across parts of the california coastline. and that's going to keep thing to in place, at least for the next couple of days, tomorrow and sunday as well. today's highs looking pretty good. 66 in san francisco with a little bit of fog there as well, but you'll notice, 70s and 80s across our inland valleys. we'll talk more about that tropical moisture headed our way coming up this morning at 11:00. let's check that drive. here's mike. >> we'll talk about the traffic headed the way of the bay bridge. it's 10:30. about 11:00, we see a burst of traffic heading back into the city, on friday, as folks want to do more shenanigan, unspecified. over there in oakland, we have a slower drive because yet again, another crash northbound just past the coliseum. looks like it has cleared off the road, but a slower drive past high street continues into downtown for the time being. speeds about 50 miles per hour. looking at san jose, easy drive throughout the south bay and a very pleasant drive compared to yesterday, where it was horrible, sam. today, no big drama for the south bay. back to you. >> okay, mike, we are now braced for the burst, but are the 49ers? they have a brand-new field that
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they're going to call home. the team explains why the turf will be ready for sunday's game, coming up. that story and much more local news in a half hour at 11:00. we will see you then. we're back with a special before and after edition of "today." you want to look slimmer without hitting the gym? here to dress you up with the right shape wear, clothing and shoes is style expert rebecca george. >> i promise you. >> the first layer is always shape wear. you got to get the right type. >> so many women have trouble with it because it is uncomfortable. we have two new finds here that are really cool and innovative. the first is hooked up. totally new in the market. you know when you want to cover the tummy but the shape wear tends to roll down and you show off your muffin top. it has these little hooks all
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around and they hook to your bra. whichever bra you love and have in your wardrobe you can add this to it. you will see how it stays up there so it tames the tummy. now we have to talk about taming this area that we all love. the hips, the love handles. some products can be heavy and feel too tight. this is from maiden form, the weightless collection. i will give these to you. feel them. they literally feel like a pair of nilens. they are light and cool you down. so in the summer you are not going to feel overheated by your shape wear. and they still suck you in. >> and affordable? >> only $25. >> let's start with the first look. you say monochromatic is the way to go. >> it is the key to dress
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slimmer. >> come on out. >> so she is dressed really beautifully. you will see she is really chopped. this is elongating her body. a pencil skirt creates that inverted triangle and that is going to slim you. let's take a look at her top. this is from aloe queen. this has the waist band. another tip for everyone at home, take a look at her shoes, nude pumps. they elong ate the leg. these are only $25 at kohl's. >> thank you. >> we have a before picture of kenya. >> she has a really great figure but she was dressing a little bit too baggy and mabing her look bigger. you don't want to do that. now, come on out. look at how amazing she looks.
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she is wearing a dress built in shape wear that sucks you in. >> built into the dress. >> jeans. we have noela. this is her before picture. >> jeans are every woman's challenge. she was wearing a baggy pair. it wasn't showing off her shape, not lifting and toning. looking good. these are from nyvj. they are boot cut style to help balance out the hips and slim you. darker rinses in style. she has great pockets in the back making her tush look trimmer. on the top the shirt has a little ruching on the side that is cinching her waist and the structured blazer. >> it all looks great. thank you. >> we really appreciate it. you want your next party to be the talk of the town. we will show you how to plate it
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like a pro. >> like a pro. wait until you see how these rooms look now. amazing room makeovers you can do without breaking the bank. >> you love them. >> i do love them. >> after this. i had this deep, radiating pain, everywhere. and i wondered what it was. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem
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may be more likely to misuse lyrica. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. they have more time to travel back in time. try new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs. children's zyrtec® is clinically proven to relieve kids' allergy symptoms for a full 24 hours. new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs. curing a yeast infection relieving the itch.... can happen instantly. vagisil max strength anti-itch wipes relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse. so why wait to feel comfortable? trust vagisil. the number one wipe for itch. ahh!! ahhhh!! let go! let go! no. no, budget. no. but thanks to we got approved to shop with low monthly payments. they've got over 70,000 items
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from brands like samsung, dyson, dewalt. all you gotta do is click on over to and get the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great stuff. juice! ♪ juice! at hillshire farm spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm beacuse it's worth doing right. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. they have more time to travel back in time.
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try new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs. children's zyrtec® is clinically proven to relieve kids' allergy symptoms for a full 24 hours. new children's zyrtec® dissolve tabs. keep t♪e change. at famous footwear we're not just selling back to school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. we've done our homework to find the hottest shoes to send your kids back in style. like our exclusive shimmer print converse high-tops. anybody sitting here? only at famous footwear. famous footwear. victory is yours. if you have been thinking about updating the look in some of your rooms but not sure if you can afford it, think again. >> here to tell us how to do it
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without breaking the bank is genevieve. >> thanks for having me. >> can we start with a great room to redo which is a bathroom? we have a before shot. >> my favorite room to do. you can be a little more bolder in this room. it is not with the ebb and flow of the rest of the house. it is separated for a reason. we have a typical standard bathroom. >> it is ho hum. >> there are a couple of things you can do that are inexpensive and on your own. the most inexpensive is update -- >> you painted the wood work. >> you don't have to keep all wood wood. painting the vanity a color instead of a bad veneer. >> you don't have big gaps between things.
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>> you have to create destinations within spaces. floating shelves. >> and then keeps them nice so you will be happy to go in there. >> keep it clean. >> family room, please. here is before of the family room. tell us what should be done there. >> this is a typical late '60s, ear early '70s recroom. you can paint it or sheet rock right over it. that is what we did here. we lightened the stone work with a coat of paint. get rid of the old ceiling fan and go with the chandelier. >> i like ceiling fans. you can get great ones. >> this is not one of those moments. >> i actually have that one, okay? >> is this your house? >> you are stepping in it, big
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time. >> let's move on to the bedroom. >> that's what hoda always wants to do. >> stop it. >> a little outdated. we have a weird valence going into the closet. a sleigh bed takes up a lot of room, dates quickly and doesn't give you a lot of bang for your buck. let's turn the bed to the other side of the room. by doing the vertical stripes your eye believes the room is taller than it is. and the head board. they are so easy to put on and a variety of prices. you can do it in a day and an hour and it changes the whole feeling of that bedroom. anticipatory accessories at the end. >> let's do the kitchen. >> same era. paneling and stuff. >> probably the same house.
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>> this is for the more advanced diy person. if you can feel confident about putting in cabinetry go for it. off the shelf cabinetry looks good. this is from your favorite swedish home store and it was done in a weekend. >> new counter top. remnants are a lot less expensive than getting it custom. >> that is beautiful. >> this was a great segment. >> i love doing segments with you. way to go! coming up, stop sucking in your cheeks and get the right makeup. >> we will help you master the art of face contouring. >> bobbie is still here. i'm mona and i'm beth and we raced around the world on a reality show. you may know us, we were the roller derby moms. and our families are super competitive. so when we heard walmart's clothes were better than ever, we had to put 'em to the test. i love that the clothes can stand up to the kids and this avia line is awesome.
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we're pretty tough, and these clothes are really keeping up with us. fit, style, performance. discover the look of quality backed by our satisfaction guarantee. available at walmart and save money, live better. walmart. looki prefer today.eeks? clairol age defy color collection. with our best breakthrough gray coverage. lustruous, radiant color that looks 10 years younger. today. age defy color from clairol. ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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...and when your chocolatey cravings begin... ...there's special k... ...chocolate almond cereal. treat yourself with our... ...chocolatey collection. an unguilty pleasure. what will you gain? band-aid brand comfort these ksheer bandages.out new our most stretchable sheer bandage ever. watch this! 50% more stretchable than an ordinary sheer bandage. so they fit snug and stretch to protect even tough spots like elbows, knees, and knuckles, from dirt and germs. they bend and stretch as much as kids do. ♪ i am stuck on band-aid brand, ♪ ♪ 'cause band-aid stretches with me! ♪ new band-aid brand comfort sheer bandages. use with neosporin antibiotic.
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♪ ♪ ♪ well, it may seem like our favorite celebrities have been blessed with high cheek bones and perfect noses. the truth is many of them or
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their makeup artists have mastered the art of contouring. >> bobbie thomas is back. the before and after looks of contouring and teach us how to put our best face forward. >> so contouring is really just about using shadows to reshape your face. there is an interesting study that regardless of your face shape we are just attracted to symmetry in both men and women. don't fret about whether your face is square or round. it is about using features to balance. you use a light color, a foundation or powder or concealer a few shades lighter than your skin to draw attention to areas you want. underneath the eyes we look refreshed when we use a lighter shade here. this is where you see celebrities with that white powder. somebody forgot to blend it. if you look up close it gives the illusion of young beautiful.
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our cheeks go from here and sometimes slide down. >> we know. >> i did have to ask my interns to help out. a couple different shapes on their face. this happens to be a rounder face like my own. we see on emily -- thanks for doing this. half of her face is done. and you will look close and you see that this looks fuller. and on this side emily contoured under the cheek and used eye shadow to widen her face. >> where do you put the contour on the cheek? >> you put it here. you can see the picture before and after. there are dots. the dots reflect where you put the highlighter, the brownser and the blush. it is really easy. use your eye makeup to widen your eyes. >> it is really important to
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blend. nothing worse than seeing -- we will take a look at the before and after with the dots on her face. you will see that -- >> i like her with the dots. >> she has a square face. hoda, you have a similar shape. what you want to do is create a light sort of area between the chin to the forehead and you will round. you see how it is highlights in a round shape. you want to create depth and darkness here. underneath the triangle i am going to make it severe but i created a v with the highlighter. what that does is allows the center to be the attention and to make more of an oval shape. emily and somebody rounder you don't want to put too much dark here. you only want to put dark on the sides of the chin.
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there are more tips for mb with a heart shaped face. >> you started with two gorgess girls. >> you did. >> thank you so much. >> and there is more stuff on and tutorials on >> guess who is coming to dinner. >> we are going to show you how to plate your next meal like a pro. first this is "today" on nbc.
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don't you wish you could make your next dinner presentation look like it came off the pages of a magazine? >> here with a few before and after efforts to take it up a notch and make your plating look like a million books. >> it annette joseph. >> hey, annette. how are you?
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>> i'm good. how are you guys? >> we're good. >> i will say these are all before and afters. so we are going to go through very basic things, things that you do at home. and i'm just going to amp them up a little bit for you. >> the cheese plate, i said this looks familiar exactly like what i would do in my house. i would chop it up. >> i have to say that i was at my girlfriend amy's last night. she invited me over for a glass of wine and had the nerve to throw out two hunks of cheese and crackers. i said yo aneed to watch tomorrow's segment. this is for you. so this is a pastry board. you can put this beautiful cheese platter on some tile. wash it all up and put it on your table. we are always thinking about the vessels first. then i always say get a really giant one big piece of cheese.
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it makes for a very impressive display and in most cases it is less expensive. and then we have -- this is -- >> look at the honey comb. >> honey is wonderful with cheese. you have the sweet and salty thing going. >> give them a couple of choices. >> cocktail napkins. >> what is this? >> this is tea soup. it is a chilled tea soup which is delicious. but before leaves a little bit to the imagination. i like to do some fun things with my food. i like to play with my food. this is test tubes in a galvanized bucket with ice. i call this a conversation starter. because people go what is this? and if they don't know each other at a party they will say what is this and what do we do
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with it? it is delicious. >> that is a little thyme. run out to the garden, snip herbs off to use as garnish. it will dress up your meal. >> this is like a typical salad. >> a couple of things that i don't love about this i will say. one thing is when you do dressing on your salad it has a tendency to make the salad soggy. i'm super picky about my salad dressing. i like lightly dressed things. i love the opportunity to do my own salad. >> a lot of people do. this is a deconstructed salad. a conversation starter. what do you like on your salad. and this is very simple to do. and this stripe pattern is fantastic. >> chicken. >> she likes everything. >> this is lunch. >> and it does look delicious
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but it could be a little more fabulous for your friends. i actually serve my chickens in a roaster. here is a secret. you take the chickens out and roast all the vegetables separately and load everything into the pan and put the chicken back in again and garnish and dress your roaster. >> somebody broke a chicken leg off of that in. >> it is family style. usually i take over. >> he can do it, too. >> little cheaper. sometimes it takes a little too long. we are like all right already. it is not a patient. we don't have to put it to sleep. this is aspargs wrapped with twine. this is a double platter. you can stack your platters on top of each other. >> and ice cream these are
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wonderful little containers. ice cream with caramel drizzle. >> thank you so much. >> to get the recipes go to k >> before we say good bye and head to l.a. here is a sneak peek of the usher video we told you about "good kisser" premiering monday on vivo. ♪ she's a good kisser ♪
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right now at 11:00, a new field for the 49ers' new home. one day after completely ripping out beaten up turf, crews laid down brand-new green sod. thanks so much for joining us. i'm kris sanchez. >> and a i'm sam brock. it is a tale of two days. on the left-hand side, what the field looked like yesterday, barren. on the right, today's bird's eye view of crews putting in brand-new turf. >> nbc bay area's bob redell is live outside levi stadium, and they say they have good reason to believe that the turf is going to hold this time around. >> reporter: they are extremely confident. good morning, kris and


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